H O W T O P R E P A R E & P O S T Y O U R D E A L S
How it works
- Nominate and announce your deals and discounts in one of our currently available threads:
- ThemeForest > HTML Website Templates
- VideoHive > After Effects Templates
- We hope to add more categories soon, stay tuned!
- A “deal” or “discount” is defined as: “A temporary price reduction compared to the original price of the published item.”
- Each author can post a maximum of three discounts per calendar month.
- You cannot post the same item every month or in consecutive months. If you post a deal for an item in January for example, you cannot post it again until March (you have to skip at least one month).
- We may curate some of the best items and deals and will give them some extra prominence and exposure by using the large or small graphic banners that you provide in your nomination.
How to nominate your items
- You MUST be the author/creator of the item.
- Copy and paste the information below and fill out each part for your specific item and promotion. You MUST provide ALL the information below exactly as shown to ensure your item/promotion is eligible.
- Make sure you post your nominations to the official customer-facing Deals & Discounts thread based onthe item/category you are selling (see above).
Copy, paste, update, and post the following:
Be sure to post each piece of information below on a separate line:
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Item name:
- Provide the full name of your item
- Hyperlink your item name to your Envato Market item page (e.g. https://themeforest.net/item/name-of-your-item/123456789)
Author name:
- Provide your Envato Market username
- Hyperlink your author name to your Envato Market portfolio page (e.g. https://themeforest.net/user/YOURUSERNAME/portfolio)
Original Price:
- Provide the original price before the discount. (e.g. $25)
Discounted Price:
- Provide the new, discounted price. (e.g. $18)
Link to item:
- Paste the link to your item page. Make sure the link is on a separate line so an item preview will automatically generate.
Large Promotional Image:
- Create a 700px x 200px PNG or JPG image to promote your item and drag-and-drop it into your post to upload/embed it.
- You MUST include the new discounted price somewhere in your graphic.
- You MUST hyperlink the image to the discounted item page.
Item Description:
- Describe your item, what it is and what it does, in less than 100 words.
Small Promotional Image:
- Create a 200px x 200px PNG or JPG image to promote your item and drag-and-drop it into your post to upload/embed it.
- You MUST include the new discounted price somewhere in your graphic.
- You MUST hyperlink the image to the discounted item page.
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Example of what your post will look like:
My Envato Market Item Name
My Envato Market Username
Original price: $40 // Discounted price: $25
This is the 100-word maximum item description that can describe more about the item. Explain what the item does, the features, the functionality, how it benefits customers, how it’s different to other templates etc… dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin porttitor vitae lorem at varius. Integer eu ligula ultrices odio laoreet hendrerit. Aenean condimentum tincidunt ligula, non accumsan turpis gravida et. Aliquam sagittis lacus ac tellus venenatis mollis. Aliquam viverra quam vitae enim aliquam ornare.
Final reminders
- Post your discounts to one of our available threads
- ThemeForest > HTML Website Templates
- VideoHive > After Effects Templates
- Get more help and see our FAQs
- Happy sales!