Deals & Discounts: ThemeForest HTML Website Templates (March, 2018)

HTML Website Templates

March, 2018

Each month we provide a place for authors to share HTML Website Template deals & discounts they are currently offering across ThemeForest. Scroll down to see each deal & discount as they get added and keep checking back to see new deals and featured promotions.

Please note: Authors/creators of each item are always in control of the prices of items. Prices are subject to change at any time at the author’s discretion. Please see our full FAQs for more information.

Featured Deals & Discounts


Author name: DuezaThemes

Original Price: $30

Discounted Price: $09

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SEO FRIENDLY is a SEO Agency, Social Media Agency, Digital Marketing Agency Template for online professional person/agency. It’s a fresh and clean design. It’s a 100% bootstrap responsive design and compatible with all major browsers, tablets and phones. It’s built with Bootstrap, using HTML5, CSS3, JS and jQuery. You can easily change the text, color, images etc. It can be the best and great way to showcase your portfolio.

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Author name: giantthemes

Original Price: $19

Discounted Price: $09

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Item Description:
ABOUT ME is a Personal CV/Resume Template for online professional. It’s built with Bootstrap, using HTML5, CSS3, JS and jQuery. You can easily change anything you want. It’s a 100% bootstrap responsive design and compatible with all major browsers, tablets and phones. It can be the best and great way to make your website.

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AMP Photo Mobile | Mobile Google AMP Template


Original price: $18 | Discounted price: $13


AMP Photo is creative, with a unique and gorgeous landing page that takes you directly to a beautifully crafted, scroll-over heading designed user interface. With a simple footer navigation built for super simple and fast user experiences.


Medinex | Health and Medical HTML Template

Author name: WowThemez

Original Price: $18
Discounted Price: $12
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Item Description: Medinex is a Powerful Health and Medical HTML Template. The Medinex is built for medical, dentists, doctors, surgeons, hospitals, health clinics, paediatrics, psychiatrist, psychiatry, stomatology, chiropractor, veterinary clinics and other medical related website.

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H-Code Multipurpose OnePage & Multi Page Template


Original price: $20 // Discounted price: $14

H-Code is an excellent template for your website for any type of business niche with more than 57 home page templates and over 190 HTML page options. H-Code has a large number of pre-made layouts, page, blog and portfolio settings. Lack of choice will never be an issue, as you will be given the opportunity to design a page that matches your vision. It also provides shop pages layout to create your online selling store design. The code is well-written and intuitive, and the loading speeds have been drastically reduced. Cross-browser compatibility is available, in addition to a fully-responsive layout.


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WYZI - Responsive Business Directory with Social Media Look HTML Template


Original Price: 17$ // Discounted Price: 9$


WYZI is a modern design of combining Directory Business or Yellow Pages with Social Media Ideas of posting. Each Business will have a separate Business Page to put its information and will also be able to post updates. Still all businesses will appear geographically on the main map. The design is catchy and yet efficient and practical for real implementations.


Jr CV Portfolio Responsive Resume


Previous Price - $17
Discounted Price - $11


J.R Resume is a new word which is highly standard online resume and cv. Clean and beautiful eye-catching design will attractive features which will represent your future employer with first impression.


Eye Care, Medical HTML Template

Webful Creations

Original Price: $17
Discounted Price: $9


Eyecare HTML template is a great html template for medical websites created by Webful Creations. The Eyecare html template is bundled with many features which makes this template amazing to work with. The unique 3 different home pages, Doctors, Services, gallery, pricing table, footer, call to action, welcome message, single Doctor and single service page are just some of the built in features in Eyecare HTML template. Our amazing support always impress our customers as well. The clean and nice code is waiting to build up your website. If you want to build a medical Website just give a try to our HTML template.


J&J - Wedding Couple Event & Wedding Celebration AgencyTemplate
by CodePassenger
Original Price: $18
Discounted Price: $12


J&J is Responsive Bootstrap Wedding Couple Event and Wedding Celebration Planner HTML Template. This is the popular Wedding Template in Wedding Category (#27 - Best Selling). It comes with 4 different home pages with necessary html pages. You can ready your website easily using J&J Wedding Template.


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Uilabs - Multipurpose Mobile Template
Original price: $18 // Discounted price: $10

Uilabs is multipurpose mobile template be made design with soft, clean, silky and meeting a good overlay design. supports store, blog, portfolio and many other page. polished with an interesting color combination.
This template modern design, clean design, clean code and easy to customize, easy to cange color and many more.

Author name: qtcmedia

Original Price: $12

Discounted Price: $09

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Item Description:
Kitchen is a clean, elegant and modern HTML site template .It can be used to introduce, provide general information about furnitures which were used in kitchen. Kitchen is designed according to the latest trends, fresh colors are used.

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Drone-X Product Landing

Author Name: ThemeCTG

Original price: $16 // Discounted price: $11


Drone – x is landing page is a modern design for marketing your electronics product business. Drone – x will give interactive any kind of electronics product presentation for your company. Its very clean and modern design we make it with our love. Integrated with most purpler framework bootstrap 3x latest grid system that’s very easy to use. All the HTML, CSS, java-script code are well organized and commented to make any change easy to do without any problems.


Owl Restaurant - Cafe & Restaurant Template


Original Price : 17$

Discounted Price: $11



OWL restaurant and cafe HTML website template is Modern, Clean and Professional site template. Perfect for Restaurant, Bakery, food business and for personal chef portfolio website.