Compatibility issue with theme and themeforest support

Hello all together.

I have a general question. We are 10 developers and 5 designer.
We purchased a best selling elementor theme from themeforest.
Today i have an general question.
The seller write on theme description page: This theme is fully compatible with elementor and elementor pro.

That sounds good. So we purchased this theme and start using it.
Elementor have options to setup fontstyle for each H-Tag. For example H2 shoud have font ABC, fontsize 14 and fontweight is bold.

We setup our H-Styles and elementor and find that this theme have widgets with H-Style option. The problem is: the widget do not reflect the H-Style from elementor settings. We asked the developer to make it working and he say:
This elementor widget have older code archicture and we can not fix it. the developer of the theme show us an workflow.

We asked to fix the issue to make it fully compatible with elementor and elementor pro. But the seller/developer say: no, use the workflow.

We say:
You wrote this theme is fully compatible. If its fully compatible → why we shoud use any workflow to make it working correct with elementor?!

So we created an dispute on envato. And what is envato saying?
Envato say: you have a workflow, use it or take the refund.

Sorry what?
Seller/dev can say: This theme is fully compatible…
We say: Its not, or explain why we using workflows now?!
Envato say: Take your money.

Why envato support seller like this?
Why envato do not ask: Why the client shoud use a workflow in your theme? You say its fully compatible in theme description…

Question to the community:
Do you have issues like this?
How you handle it?
Why envato take that case so easy and support seller like this?

Last but not least:
Elememtor bring it on the point: Tommy, why you shoud use any workflow if this theme is fully compatible with elememtor? It isent fully compatible and you shoud report this theme. We have doublechecked your case with our internal team and we can confirm ther eis an compatibility issue…


It sounds like you’re creating your own problem, you haven’t purchased a fully-functional website, it’s a theme/template.

At some point, with any theme or plugin, you will be facing some issues with “styling” and for work-around, you will have to set-up/create a child theme.

On the other side, the issue you’re having is not related to “elementor compatibility” it’s related to “customization”, those are totally different things but as Envato suggested, if you’re not happy, get the refund but I don’t think you’d be able to find any theme ( maybe there are few only those allows you the way you wish to work with ) but you’d be wasting your time as well as the authors and at some point, support, too…


Hello @ki-themes .

Thank you for your feedback.

It sounds like you’re creating your own problem, you haven’t purchased a fully-functional website, it’s a theme/template.

We do not talk about styling issues. We talking about not supported elementor functions. Elementor pro support confirmed this issue.

It sounds like you’re creating your own problem, you haven’t purchased a fully-functional website, it’s a theme/template. At some point, with any theme or plugin, you will be facing some issues with “styling” and for work-around, you will have to set-up/create a child theme."

We do not talk about styling issues which we need to refine via custom css in child-folder. We talking about not supported elementor functions. Elementor pro support confirmed this issue.

On the other side, the issue you’re having is not related to “elementor compatibility” it’s related to “customization”

So why elementor confirmed its a native option of elementor which is not working if we activate this theme? We dont talk about any styling. We talking about a function which is not working if we activate this theme. And elementor pro support already confirmed: Its a native elementor option which is not working correct if you enable this theme. We need to look into the facts and not something different.

Once again:
Elementor have option to setup default styling for H tags.
In the widget you can select H1, H2 or H3 for example and it shoud reflect the style from the elementor general settings:
Screenshot of elementor general settings for H styles:


So install this theme and setup your H styles in elementor.
Now drag the menu list widget into elementor and select your H style from elementor.
If does not have any effect in this widget. Also the developers of this theme say:
This issue is based on old code architecture…

What does this means? This means: Its not realy 100% compatible with elementor.
We asked elementor to check this issue to confirm its a function compatibility issue with elementor - and they confirmed!

So why theme developer still write:
Its fully compatible with elementor - but dont support it fully?
And why we need to use a workaround in a fully elementor compatible theme?
We trust into theme description and dont wanna a refund. We purchased a fully compatible theme and facing issues and theme developer dont wanna change the theme description text.
→ Its not about to take the refund, its about to change the theme description text.
This is why we started a dispute and now activate the lawyer in their Country because all need to play with the same rules and there is no space for cheats like:
We will still keep the text with fully compatible and if someone have issues: start a refund and lets keep the text unchanged… This game is not okay.

We also asked the theme developer to add new/extra widget with new code base. They told us: start a feature-request. Why we need to start a feature-request to wait other users vote for it only to make his theme fully compatible? Its okay for us if they do not implement fully compatible core widget for elementor, but it shoud change the text of theme description from “fully compatible with elementor & elementor pro” into: compatible with elementor* (*some widgets have older code architecture and may not support elementor fully). You can not sell something which is not true and after its faced by someone only say: oh, ok. Take your money. Its not a game here, its a real business and we have to keep the rules in legal way.

Please understand this case and about what we are talking in deep dive. We do not talk about styling, we talking about elementor options which are not working like it shoud and we have to use workarounds to make it working with elementor. Why you shoud use a workaround to use elementor functions in a fully compatible elementor?! :wink:


In short words:
Its about a function of elementor:
The build in function to style H styles. If you select the H style in theme widget it shoud reflect the settings from elementor.

Elementor confirmed in support ticket: This theme widget is not working correct. Its nothing about styling, its about to support the elementor native options without any workflows because the default way from elementor is not working anymore if you activate this theme.
So why we shoud take the refund? We purchased a “fully elementor & elementor pro” compatible theme.

Please read carefully the posting before you reply about something complete different. And elementor checked this case with fresh wordpress on their own sandbox and confirmed: this theme widget have an issue with elementor.
Also the developer of the theme confirmed it: its based on older code architecture and we shoud use an workflow.
The point is: why we shoud use an workflow in a “fully compatible elementor & elementor pro theme”?

I can share with you the sandbox from elementor with this theme.
I can share with you the ticket from elementor tire 2 support.
And i can create an 20 seconds video how it shoud works and how its working with this theme (only via workflow) - so native elementor option is not supported out of the box - but theme developer say in theme description: Fully compatible with elementor. Why we shoud use a workflow, if its fully compatible?! This make no logic.

And no, we do not wanna have a refund. Because its not something like:
Lets say its compatible and if someone find the issue … we will say: take the refund. This is like cheating…


And to make it more clear:
Its about this option:

You can read on elementor site: This is the section where you can setup your global H styles. And if you select one of it in the widget, it shoud reflect the settings from global H styles.

But xstore do not reflect this settings, you need to work via workflow.
So my question again: Why this theme seller can say its fully compatible with elementor, when elementor say: no, its not… and why you shoud use a workflow if its fully compatible? This have no logic. Or you can explain it please why elementor and i am wrong please?


I didn’t read all of the text but probably the theme uses custom h1/h2 styling, you can just remove the codes from the theme style.css and the problem is fixed.

The situation is, you’re taking this small issue too serious, you cannot find any theme or plugin that supports 100% in the way you’re expecting.

Getting lawyer ( according to your other post somewhere else ) is not gonna solve your problem as well. What you’re purchasing a template and if it doesn’t work the way you’re expected, improve/change it the way you like ( customize ) or find something else. Easy…

The situation is, you’re taking this small issue too serious, you cannot find any theme or plugin that supports 100% in the way you’re expecting.

We talking about the most important and most general option of elementor: the page for site settings and styling. At this moment the developer himself say: its fully compatible. But when showing bugs, they say only: take your refund.

I didn’t read all of the text but probably the theme uses custom h1/h2 styling, you can just remove the codes from the theme style.css and the problem is fixed.

No, this is not the problem. Its based on the older code architecture and the developer confirmed that this case is based on older code architecture. If you remove the custom style.css the widget still not reflect the elementor stylings. The elementor site settings → H styles are one of the most important and most general options. We do not talk about something very fancy or special. Each website have headlines and to work with premade H styles in elementor is one of the most basic point.

And last but not least:
Its okay for us if they dont wanna keep his theme updated and not fully compatible with elementor. But they shoud remove or change the text of theme description: This theme is fully compatible with elementor and elementor pro. But if you ask for headline styles from elementor they wanna share a workaround with you. Thats feeling like a joke, but its not funny.

We we started a new thread what does it mean if someone tag his theme as fully compatible with… but dont wanna fix bugs if clients bring them up. This is the point of this issue.

Getting lawyer ( according to your other post somewhere else ) is not gonna solve your problem as well.

We will see, i dont know. In the first step we request the adress of theme developer and will adress the official lawyer statement to their post office. In the next step we will bring this case up to envato with detailed information from elementor tire 2 support and all details from github elementor devs.

The situation is, you’re taking this small issue too serious, you cannot find any theme or plugin that supports 100% in the way you’re expecting.

This point is interesting. Nobody say we wanna have bug free theme. But if a customer find a problem in one of the most general sections you shoud remove the bug or not? Or its okay only to say: take your money back?

In my philosophy its not okay and envato shoud act here right. This is why we wrote to an lawyer. Its not a game for children here to say: “its fully compatible” and take the money from the clients, but dont make it compatible with elementor if users find issues.

The author has offered you a solution that you don’t like it. It’s your problem to keep the theme and stop complaining about it or ask refund and move on to somewhere else. It’s simply as is…

You can hire a lawyer but according to the agreement that you have read and confirmed, worst case, if Envato loses the case, they will pay you the amount of the theme anyway.

Again, as an agency when you purchase a theme at 59$, you should keep your expectations as it low as the price while your client is paying you probably couple of thousands, therefor their expectations may be higher than the theme, at this point, it’s your responsibility to find a solution, not Envato’s, not authors, yours. Get the theme updated as you wish, ask the developer team.

If you don’t like the themes at Envato, get your own theme coded. End of story.

Hello @ki-themes .
Its not about if we like the solution or not. Its also not about how much this theme cost and if we can fix it by custom coding or not.

Its about this case:
The developer confirmed in text they have a old code base in this widget, this is why this widget do not reflect the elementor settings and you shoud work with workflows in elementor if you use this theme and widget.

What is the result of this? → This theme is not fully compatible with elementor.

That means:
Its okay, if something is not working as expected. But its enough to share a workaround in a fully compatible theme and without start a bugfix? Thats the point.

Why seller can swim around a problem instead fixing the bug and still can write “its fully compatible”? Thats the point.

If it’s not as it’s advertised, take the refund. Simple solution.

If it’s not as it’s advertised, take the refund. Simple solution.
So i can sell to your something and if you show me bugs and show me it’s not as its’s adervertised: It have no consequences for me? The only consequences is then i shoud pay back the money?

Great, so we have to support cheat and scam products/services?
I can say its fully compatible, but its not and i dont wanna bugfix it. And if someone find this issue i will pay back the money. Doing this with 1000 of sales per month… We do not talk only about 59€. And all this without any consequence and envato and we shoud support this without consequence?

Is envato a marketplace for philosophy and product quality like this?
And why we have rules and contracts and a theme description, if this all is unimportant if you have an issue?

I hope not all seller act like you say and act like this theme developer.

So why not bugfixing issues which clients report to you?

As authors, we cannot make everyone happy and you’re falling into that category. Just reading the comments posted here is obvious that something is wrong with you… I’m happy that way you’re not buying any of my items :))

This is not the point. You shoud not make people happy, you shoud keep your product description correct. If people tells you you have an compatibility issue - you have to fix it or change your product description. Its very simple.

But only send the money back is like:
We will try to cheat on a lot of people - and if somebody find this issue: pay back the money and dont spend time to bugfix this issue and keep the text “fully compatible with elementor and elementor pro”.
At the same time elementor pro tire 2 support confirmed: This widget is not compatible with elementor and its not working correct.

I hope you understand its not about to have a 100% working product.
We are all developers in my team, we understand this. But how i can say its compatible, when i know and confirm: we have old code architecture and it will not work with elementor? This is why we talking right now with 2 people via linkedin from envato about this case. Its not a small case around 59 USD per theme, its about they grab a lot of money with wrong text and the contract is not fullfilled as described. They also do not plan to bugfix.

This is not regarding envato rules. And now the people from envato on linkedin understand this case. I hope they going to change the text or bugfix the theme. Thats all what we need.

Imagine you buy something and after this the seller tells you:
Ooooh, sorry friend. I cheated on you, i already know we have issues, but we will not bugfix it, take your money and dont waste my time… Is that fine? I dont think you will like it. :wink:

And i dont think something is wrong with me, when i am asking this.
This is absolute not fine what you say. You dont have to take my mind and same mindset if you purchase a theme - but dont say words like this about other people please. We are here to talk in normal words. If you can not handle this case or mindset, please step back and cool down. And nobody forced you to give me an answer. Thank you.

If I may interfere in the discussion, I think you are fighting a battle that is not yours.

In your case, if the theme looks and works like in the demo, if after installing Elementor or Elementor Pro you don’t have any errors, then there’s no compatibility issue in my book.

The fact that you cannot modify the general Elementor settings does not mean the description of the item is incorrect. As long as it is not something that prevents you from using Elementor or creating your website.

The accuracy of a description could be a subjective term and you can fall into the trap of considering you cannot be wrong about this.

Hello @WindstripeThemes
Thank you for your clear and friendly feedback.
I understand your side of view.

We talked to elementor and they told us:
Its not about the look and design. Its about the supported functions of elementor. - Elementor give users the option to handle all H styles form general settings… If this is not working anymore if you install this theme that means: Its not fully compatible with elementor.

This was the reason why we asked the developer to bugfix that issue.
And its not only about what they wrote in theme description.
Its also about the question: They shoud bugfix known/reported issues or not?

I think the envato rules and his own theme description requiere this.
Also if users report a bug and elementor also confirm: its a bug and it shoud work to support elementor options. If not - its not compatible with elementor fully.

Right now we have contact with two people from envato via linkedin and they collect now all details and are on our side of view. I hope the developer will understand it after they contact him again. They will bring this case again to do a deep dive check and that stuff will understand the details better before decide again.

Last but not least:
The function in the widget for H style was working for a longer time. But elementor updated their code and the developer do not update it also. So the widget of elementor stopped working from that moment for h styles. Its working, if you install an very old version of elementor. After updating elementor you can select in the theme widget any H style - it does not have any effect. Maybe its better to delete the H style option from this widget, because it does not have any effect. And it will not confuse the webmasters why its not reflecting the elementor H styles.