Hello all together.
I have a general question. We are 10 developers and 5 designer.
We purchased a best selling elementor theme from themeforest.
Today i have an general question.
The seller write on theme description page: This theme is fully compatible with elementor and elementor pro.
That sounds good. So we purchased this theme and start using it.
Elementor have options to setup fontstyle for each H-Tag. For example H2 shoud have font ABC, fontsize 14 and fontweight is bold.
We setup our H-Styles and elementor and find that this theme have widgets with H-Style option. The problem is: the widget do not reflect the H-Style from elementor settings. We asked the developer to make it working and he say:
This elementor widget have older code archicture and we can not fix it. the developer of the theme show us an workflow.
We asked to fix the issue to make it fully compatible with elementor and elementor pro. But the seller/developer say: no, use the workflow.
We say:
You wrote this theme is fully compatible. If its fully compatible → why we shoud use any workflow to make it working correct with elementor?!
So we created an dispute on envato. And what is envato saying?
Envato say: you have a workflow, use it or take the refund.
Sorry what?
Seller/dev can say: This theme is fully compatible…
We say: Its not, or explain why we using workflows now?!
Envato say: Take your money.
Why envato support seller like this?
Why envato do not ask: Why the client shoud use a workflow in your theme? You say its fully compatible in theme description…
Question to the community:
Do you have issues like this?
How you handle it?
Why envato take that case so easy and support seller like this?
Last but not least:
Elememtor bring it on the point: Tommy, why you shoud use any workflow if this theme is fully compatible with elememtor? It isent fully compatible and you shoud report this theme. We have doublechecked your case with our internal team and we can confirm ther eis an compatibility issue…