Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that we’ll be making more changes to the forums today, in particular to the Community Meta category.
It looks like the meta category is being used as a catch all forum instead of its intended purpose as an area to talk about the Community and discuss the forum itself. So we’re going to be making some changes and moving some posts around today.
What’s happening to Community Meta?
The forum is not going to go away but it will become a bit more special. Discourse allows us to set certain forums as special areas for those that have achieved a high [trust level][1]. In fact, Discourse recommends that we have at least one forum that can be accessed by those that have achieved a level 3 trust level. We think the Community Meta forum will be a good fit for that, as it’s an area to discuss things like the forum and it only makes sense that people who have used and experienced the forum for a period of time should be invited to share their experiences.
We’re excited to try it out and see how it goes. As we’re just in the very early stages of these new forums, it may take some time to feel out the Community Meta area and build it up. So don’t worry if you can’t access or see it right away. Just keep being awesome community members and you’ll get to level 3 in no time
###What’s happening to the posts in Community Meta?###
While it’s going to be a big job, I’ll be moving over threads from Community Meta into better categories today. I’ll try and do this as quickly as possible
[1]: https://meta.discourse.org/t/what-do-user-trust-levels-do/4924