- Use the recommended screenshot resolution, as it is right now the screenshots are too small. (vertical: 460 x 900, horizontal: anything with an aspect ratio of 16:9)
- Your code base has a lot of quality issues to list them all here so I recommend you to install the sonar lint plugin in Android studio and try to fix all the issues shown in the sonar console to improve your overall code quality.
We Improve above but still our code is rejected, Can any gentleman help in that case
our resolution of screenshot is 750*1334
Just rename the main file name ( eg. Item0109.zip Item0209.zip )
I believe there’s a temporary issue by uploading the same name of the file. This could solve your problem.
Thanks For your kind response as i mention we are re rejected so now there is any chance to resubmit there?
Assuming that it’s SOFT rejected, you can re-submit after making the changes. It should be located under “Hidden Items” tab
not there to seen…
Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “x” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:
Still same issues.
We appreciate the effort and time you’ve put into creating your item. And we’d be happy to help make sure your next entry will meet our submission requirements. Here’s our advice:
We receive this mail on second time
If it’s not a hard reject then please consider doing the changes in code once again. Before uploading make sure it’s all updated as per the quality standards as defined by reviewer.
Do not re-submit the item. Contact the Envato support for and ask if it’s okay to re-upload the item.
Also, make sure you have fixed all the problems they have asked