I just found out that a client is using one of my projects to make different videos for different clients and he is selling them through his online store. He has definately never bought many licences of my project if he ever bought any because I couldn’t find a purchase from him.
So what can I do in this case? Ofcourse I have contacted Envato support and I am waiting for their response.
It will be better if you contact the client
Yes I intend to but I would like to gather some advices before that and check what options are available.
For example, he has produced more than 10 videos with my project, do I aske him to buy licences for all of those? What if he refuses?
You can tell him that he must buy the project with extended license. If he decides to deceive you, you can remove his videos from YouTube
make different videos for different clients and he is selling them through his online store
So he sell customization service? It’s legal if he bought each time new license for a client.
@romlam is not right, extended license is not allowing anyone to use AE templates multiply times. He must buy license each time.
Also how do you know that he is not bought any license? He contacted you personally? May be he bought licenses from another account.
If I was you, my steps would be:
- Make sure that he has the project.
- Ask for purchase code.
- If he don’t answer you, contact him, and say that you will send DMCA everywhere he used your item. And offer to buy licenses.
- If he is not respond contact Envato and send DMCA.
UPD: Also I see that you are Elements Author. Maybe he is Elements subscriber and downloaded your project from there? In this case that is absolutely legal. If he asked for support, you need to refuse to help him, because support is not included in Elements subscription. He need Videohive license. So you may ask him to buy it.
@secondfalseiteration Are you sure that the extended license does not allow multiple use for different clients? So what the point of an extended license? I’m not saying that you are wrong. I’m talking about what I’m not sure about it. Can you give the link to this clause of the terms of use? It’s interesting for me too. Thanks!
Link to the page https://videohive.net/licenses/standard?license=regular
Extended License needed only if buyer, for example, is going to sell DVDs with video that he created using your item.
In other words, if he going to sell end product. But note that customization service is different thing.
Thank you all for your answers.
As for the extended license I think that the description does not leave any room for misinterpretation.
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
My project is a video display that the user inserts his photos in the placeholders.
The client in his store has more than 10 videos with different artwork from different artists that from what I read in his site he provides this service with a certain fee.
This clearly can’t fall under the minor revisions rule https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005597526-I-want-to-make-multiple-end-products-with-the-same-item-how-many-licenses-do-I-need-to-buy-
I can’t be completely sure if he bought a single license but I wasn’t able to find one or more purchases from this company. I have already asked for Envato help on this matter.
This specific project is not on Elements.
Thanks for answer!
As far as I know, an extended license is also necessary if the final product will be broadcast on TV. Am I right?
Yes, you are right. As the majority TV channels and movie companies actually sell their content to audience. You pay money for TV broadcast, you pay for any film you watch.
HBO, Netflix, Marvel, Disney, etc., etc. should buy Extended License. But for example youtube bloggers can purchase Regular license, as their content for audience is free.
Yes, I had once sold an extended license to ESPN but unfortunately I wasn’t able to track the end product.
The only way to know if this company purchase your item is to ask for purchase code directly. Also ask about those multiply usage. End product is very vague term. For example, offer or adv a service in theory may be one end product.
The problem here is that this company could purchased your item under a different name. Any way it’s always better to contact them, just to make sure that they understand license agreement correctly. If they don’t provide you any purchase code, you may send DMCA to their site hoster.
Thank you, I have already contacted the client on this matter and I am hoping for an answer tomorrow.
About the end product or single application as I read in the licenses page seems quite clear to me that refers to one video for one client . But I understand your concept.
My main job is in an advertising agency and we always buy a new license for each customer.
But to be sure I am waiting clarifications from Envato support.
Yes, one video - one client.
But I’m talk here about different thing. For example if they don’t have any clients yet. And they used your item only for show their abilities. So here one license should be enough, even if they render 10 videos.
Thank you for the clarification but if you read the text below the license type it says Use, by you or one client, in a single end product So it doesn’t seem to me that allows the user with single license to render like this case 31 videos with different artwork from 31 different artists just to advertise his services.
I had the same thought before. But statement - “one render - one license” is not true. As I said “End product” is very vague term. For example, if your video will be in the movie and repeats 10 times with different customizations, it will be still one end product. No matter hom much customization versions where shown.
Cause “to advertise a service” may be also one end product. As an example “to advertise TWO services” would require two licenses.
I don’t think that this is true. If you read the “allowed variations” section on this page https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005597526-I-want-to-make-multiple-end-products-with-the-same-item-how-many-licenses-do-I-need-to-buy- you will see that if you add new content (in my case 54 new photos) in the project and render it again then you will need another license. Only very minor modifications are allowed , like change a text line.
The only time you are allowed to produce different renders from one project is in the case of you are making a series. But again the permitted changes are limited to something minor such as a change in the credits.
Better to ask Envato, what they actually mean under “end product”. And ask specific about this case with a service and 31 videos.
UPD: Also link that you posted… there is no any word about “render”, they always say “end product”. End product is not your template.
Depending on what the state laws you may be able to file a lien against his videos and give him notice and send out a press release.
Happy outcome.
I have contacted the client and offered to buy all the necessary licenses.
Thank all for your contribution.