Category Page Update

Hey James, thanks for the post. Can we get a direct answer to the following question:

Is it fair that Envato should be asking its authors to spend their own money on affiliate partnerships, advertising and marketing, when the traffic which those efforts drive is very likely to be cannibalised by the Envato Elements banner?

The situation reminds of me of a large burger chain inviting smaller burger vans to sell on their property, as long as they bring their own customers, but then the large chain says, “hey, come in here, ours are 99c”

Could we get a URL query that guarantees no elements banner? e.g – I feel like this would go a LONG way towards helping relations with your authors.

Right now its totally unfair to be asking people to drive traffic to your site whilst you advertise a cheaper solution directly to that traffic, meet us halfway.

Cheers - Tom