I’m of course talking about web templates, which is maybe not same for audio (even though we have audio published too and 90% of the tracks are the same ukulele story).
I have a very personal opinion about the thing explained here
my opinion is this: if I go to Envato elements, there is literally NO theme with a quality and features comparable to what we offer in OUR themes. Why? Because if we spend 6 months making a superduper theme, we will never put it on Elements, as I see elements as those big boxes of discount proce you find close to the checkout at the supermarket.
I gave sometimes a look at elements products and NEVER found something I wanted, as if you have certain requirements, you have to pay a regular price.
So, if your products are in competition with Elements items, it means there is something wrong with them.
Probably you may think about creating something worth paying the price you want, because if people can get same quality of items for a hundredth of the price, the problem is not the banner on themeforest, is the item itself.
Of course I am talking in general and is very possible that your productions are incomparable with the basic quality of Elements, and on the other side most of the customers are probably nor professional enough to understand the difference, but that’s a problem of the customers.
If they prefere basic quality for basic price, and this covers 90% of the market, than probably is not worth anymore to put so much effort in a theme, track, picture or illustration, and just go for the quantity.
Envato is jut presenting an option, then is up to the customer to choose basing on the required quality and available budget.
When you go to the supermarket is full of HUGE yellow and red discounts for cheap or expiring food. I simply go for the decent stuff because I want quality. Having products in discount does not steal customers to the quality ones, is simply ANOTHER target, ANOTHER market.
This is just my opinion by the way.