Can you help me to know the reason of rejection

Hello i submitted a html portfolio template
The site demo
unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

I want to know what is the quality standard required to improve myself

Recently I am submit a file, but normal reject. i don’t know why? themeforest not specific tell where is problem?

Hey. I have quite a bit of experience on Envato (2 years / 7 items), but I can say for sure about some problems in your template:

  1. Too many animations when scrolling.
  2. Visual hierarchy, spacing and alignment issues, as well as problems with typography (for example, different sizes of titles and content)
  3. The color scheme needs to be improved, and you also need to improve the shadows, borders, icons, etc.
    Doт’t give up, and keep working! :wink:

thanks alot :slight_smile:

the loading is extremely slow