Can I rename the theme?

Is it possible and permissible to rename a wp theme?

If you mean one you are selling already then, no.

If you mean one which you have purchased and are using then, yes. Morally it’s questionable but legally
It is ok

I mean the product I am selling. There are 200+ sales,
Do not like the name of the theme, so I asked if a product to replace

I ask about the TF rules if there will be a problem renaming the theme

You would definitely need to check with Envato Author Support

I don’t think you’d be able to rename the WordPress theme ( maybe possible for HTML templates ) due to the reason when you rename the theme, you will have to rename all the features/functions come with the theme to match with the new name - those could cause issues for the buyers who performed custom modifications already.

Hi, yes you can. Edit your item and rename it (the name).

  1. Will the URL link change too? No.
  2. Will it be better for me? Not sure, usually when I changed the item name drop in sales occurred. If your items is linked all over internet, and probably are, it would be odd to click one thing and get to another, but doesn’t mean necessarily.


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For the reference…

*** White here, someone please tell the dev team to remove the No HTML allowed sentence, as that’s like a decade ago. Probably raises a confusion today.

What you can do:

  • Correct item title, description or tags to remove a spelling or grammatical error.
  • Update your title, description or tags to include information about the latest version of the item (for ThemeForest and CodeCanyon items).

Whoa! This is not allowed:

  • For ThemeForest - update the title to remove the unique brand name, or move it to the end of the title.

So, you will not be permitted to change your theme brand Azedw but can change title.

If you change the title of your item through Edit then the item URL slug will not be changed. So, for changing the URL slug you have to contact envato author support.


Thank you.

2 posts were split to a new topic: is envanto elements/Market same?