Buying template, any additionnal costs ?

Hello everyone,
Im Designer and I’m about to buy my first theme on themeforest for an e-commerce purpose.

I’m hesitating between 3, I would like to know if there is any addicional cost when I buy a template.
If I buy a template, will I be just able to put my content, custom the CSS, host it and use it for years without paying anything anymore ? Nobody is gonna charge me on my sells ? (excluding hosting service & domain)

The theme I’m checking are:
Everything - Multipurpose Premium Responsive Shopify Themes - (can’t put link for being “new user”)

Thank you very much.

There’s no future charges for envato however…

  • shoplify is not a free service so you will need to pay for that every month (nothing to do with envato)

  • you only be able to use any theme from here on ONE website without buying multiple licenses.

  • you can edit CSS and other content or code but the level of complexity and flexibility will range between themes so it’s best to ask the author before buying.

  • you buy “as is” and get 6 months free support and lifetime updates to an item and big fixes etc. For free but the author has the right to not update the file or remove it completely from the marketplace.


Thanks, so I will go with WooCommerce template only then.