Business card does not meet quality standards

I am uploading a business card template, but is not approved because due to quality standard format. What is the problem?

hi, no doubt that u sort of did what u could , but honestly , let’s face it , the thing could not be accepted as such …think about it , there is almost no graphic work indeed … for instance, why would a reseller buy such a card ? he would not even really save time by buying your card , he would take a few minutes and do on his own … pls keep in mind that all marketplaces are really really saturated in most cases , especially the logo and card sections, this basically means that u need to bring something original to the table as much as possible … in this case, let’s it the card i very simple and the typo, when it come to the information part, is not even really efficient … this is not combining well with the name of the card holder and by mixing fonts this way , you are killing the hierarchy of information that u tried to follow otherwise …

  1. You should explain how to modify the design.

2.You should remember programs that can be modified on your template.

3.You should remember the fonts used in the design and the font download link works if it is free or purchased.

  1. The design should be using the grid tools and the distance should be equal to the swan between the headings and the text or between each berjraf and the size of the lines.

5.Do not use any references or elements or images in the design of other designs from the Internet.

6.Do not make a watermark or your own logo in the images to be displayed. Works on layers and labels each layer.

7.Any person can modify the color from the list of colors without specifying the element and the color changes in all the elements that are the same color with one stroke.

8.The design should be modern, attractive, unused, and reproducible. etc…

very much of a generic approach lol not sure it will help him lol