AudioJungle Sales Monitor 2

You are mistaken, elements definitely doesn’t work that way, I would be very surprised if any other subscription models for stock material worked that way. You pay the subscription to download the materials and make your product, once your product is made you are free to cancel the subscription, they just hope you won’t.


Doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t mean that it is in our best interests to go along with it especially for stock music. As a talented creator you’re actively contributing to your own demise. You can be part of the solution, or part of the problem… by providing music to a subscription service for pennies on the download, you are unfortunately part of the problem.


This system is designed for two entities:

  1. Marketplace companies
  2. Customers

Not for creators.

True, however Envato is taking care of the participants each month by ensuring that they are getting paid at a minimum, what they used to be paid. If elements authors subscription earnings starts to slide, those authors in theory will pull their content out of that model and go back to one off sync licensing.

Envato probably has a formula for allowing new authors into elements. It may be something like for every 200 new subscribers ($40,000 in annual revenue) we will allow 1 new author into elements as contributor. Who knows? But by now there has to be some sort of formula. They do have risk in terms of not being able to satisfy existing elements earnings with a consistent monthly “salary”. If their salaries start heading lower, they will have to pivot to a new strategy to meet their own monthly revenue expectations.


Yes, this is exactly the problem for subscriptions, if they want to invite everyone at once, it will be bankruptcy (for the authors), and the authors will not look for profit there, never! This is a fact - it is the destruction of subscriptions as unnecessary!


When do sales usually recover?)

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When you see this :chart_with_upwards_trend: here:




ooops!!! :frowning:
Yes, I was wrong… if a video was produced using a music tracks downloaded during the subscription pediod, then the video can still stay online, forever. What is forbidden (but cannot be tracked…) is to produce anything after you stopped your subscription. Even if you downloaded dozens of tracks to use them later, you are not allowed to do so.



In subscription Reality is they training authors that you only earn this much per track

You would think so, but if the subscription model ends up dominating the market, what happens when being a content creator is no longer a viable way to make a living? It seems that Envato have chosen to close the door to the VIP lounge so that their buddies are not out of pocket, in order to get their price down to offensively cheap. Other companies have chosen a less offensive (but still incredibly cheap) price point, yet kept a level of inclusivity. But now it seems there is ME who’ve decided that all it’s creators are beggars and should just be happy with what pittance they get.

But whichever way they shake the stick at it, these “extra” “youtuber” customers aren’t going to make up the numbers at the end of the month when each sync now nets you less than a hundredth of what it used to. Unless of course you… wait… oh yes, cut the author base down a hundred-fold. Genius.


Recently I applied to a subscription site just for fun to see what they do
They accepted me but I rejected them but they told me so many corrections in tracks but the same track I got placement which gave 4 figure money for one placement I feel pity for subscription guys

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This is a golden age for stock music
The reason why new subscription sites coming up Every month is because
there are huge market potential for royalty free music
if it was like before like singje license then every one would be making good money

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I can’t believe what I’m reading… Is this what we’ve come to? Now, authors are happy with getting $0.5 per use of their music?!

This is our collective death, staring at us and smiling…


If you think I’m just a bully that simply enjoys bashing you to feel better, then you are greatly mistaken, and a bit insulting I might add.

The fact that your music is downloaded, but not used is irrelevant. You’re now getting more downloads, but in a closed illimited system such as the subscription model, more downloads lead to less payout per downloads. If a user is downloading 10x more than what they actually use, they dilute their fixed subscription fee 10x… there is no winning there.

I’m very happy for you, though a bit surprised, that you are now getting a satisfactory income thanks to the subscription model. But how is it sustainable? The Elements fiasco shows us that it is not. There simply are not enough new customers to make up for the lost single license money flow. The only way to keep it interesting for Elements authors is to severely limit their number and thus confiscating revenue from non Elements authors.

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No, @PurpleFog, sorry for the confusion, I was not referring to you in particular, but to the group of people, telling me I am “part of the problem” for instance… which I find… a bit insulting.

I’ll stop writing here, as this is an AJ forum, not an MA forum…

Without prying too much into your personal finances, can you somewhat narrow down your definition of “steady income”?
$100 a month every month is, by definition, “steady income” but that certainly isn’t enough to make an impact on the lives of most people who live in countries with first-world economies. Obviously, there are are many authors who live in countries with developing and post-communist economies, so $100 means much more to them. But for the rest of us…

Let’s put it this way:
Are you talking about coffee, beer and cigarette “steady income” or are we talking food, rent and car payment “steady income”?


Mr. Sales is missing… did anyone see him!? :confused:


…and with this one post you have invited 1,000 desperate competitor “friends”, and your income will be cut in half before you know it, or worse. :wink:


This is why this RF lib does not accept new musicians or after effects experts, unless they really bring something new to the table :slight_smile:

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