I’ve download some After Effects templates like this one News Intro by Mokhtar15 on Envato Elements
I am trying to figure out if it is possible to use the audio that comes with the template without the sound watermark or maybe that is not the intended use?
Thank you in advance 
Audio is not typically distributed (without watermark protection) with items as the author rarely has the rights to do that.
The name/link to the audio used is often listed somewhere with the item demo/description so it can be purchased separately
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Thank you for the prompt reply, in my limited experience browsing around and downloading a few of them I don’t see the music listed. It is good to know I am not doing anything wrong though.
Oh thanks a lot. I’m finding a few of them now. So that product is for sale and if I use it they can come after me and take down my vids? I’m trying to do everything legally.
You can get items like that from videohive or on envato elements but it’s rare that the original music files will be included