Audio is Coming to Elements

If you want more income first try raising your prices on audio jungle. I am 1 sale away from my best revenue month of 2018 now that ADP arrived. I have more than doubled what I earned in June and July this September. And I have my dignity. And I have not been working on AJ that much other than writing my thoughts in this thread. Just sold a tier 2 broadcast license for $91. (I million audience size). That used to be $38 and is also like selling 6 standard licenses at that old $19 price. I have sold 4 of those since ADP arrived. So James, those are very important to some of us even though you have data that many do not sell. If this UK Post house that bought it files a cue sheet with the PRS, who knows…I may even earn more performance royalties from this 1 transaction today. This is our cash flow that needs to be protected at all costs James and Collis.