April 2016 Sales

Thank you, that explains a lot and we all hope you’re right :slight_smile:

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I got only 4 sales in 20 days while my item is still trending from last 15 days… it is a bit confusion.

Well it is not getting any better, maybe the us tax time is a true, since us clients almost stopped buying

Sales are a catastrophy and the reviewing process is becoming a nightmare, new requirements are poping up on every submission instead of having a public checklist that is regurlarly being updated by reviewers

As for sales it is also Envato’s responsibility to make an effort on a marketing level to reach an international audience via offline advertising, if you ask anyone in a street in Europe if he/she knows amazon or even WIX they will tell you yes if you ask anyone about themeforesr or envato they will tell you no in 70/80÷ of the cases

also how come envato’s website is not multi-lingual? + the homepage of themeforest is not really a gateway which makes it hard to find what you’re looking for as a visitor, the information isn’t structured in a very optimized way in terms of UIUX
it should be illustrated with categories as boxes and subcategories showing when a category has been selected

anyway themeforest is no longer the same themeforest as it used to be a couple of years ago, it’s becoming more like a jungle than a forest…


I am often wondering these days what is happening with envato for the past 2 years i have been only disapointed

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Sales are pretty good these days, just look at the popular WordPress themes. They are getting more and more sales with every passing week. :smirk:

what the heck is going on ? why are sales like this is it that bad for you as well?

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For us sales are just not going back up and with May 1 coming, 40+ days review times, its going to be even worst. Very sad times coming ahead.

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Yeah, it’s going well over 40 now :smiley:

Slowest month in 2 years. Thinking to start my computer repairing business again :confused:

Just made a rough calculations for last april and this years. Last April we had 10% more income from US customers. Didn’t envato sell us a story that moving to us and authors paying additional taxes is a must so they can with moving there bring us more us traffic?

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