Applying to join Elements

Hi, I would like to ask if registering for Envato Elements requires a Grapicriver account? what if we don’t have?

Then you are very unlikely to be accepted esp in such a crowded space as graphicriver - proof of quality and sales is a key consideration

Means I have to register on Grapicriver first?

It’s advisable if you want to get on elements and you should try and build up both approvals and sales on graphicriver first

Hi, do you have any trick tips for approval in Grapikriver? logo or mascot design for me

Attention to detail - Graphicriver.

Don’t assume that because logos etc are smaller and more basic then it will be easier to get approved. I’m actual fact these are one of the hardest categories because it is so bloated.

If you want to submit in those categories then you need a strong grasp on the specifics and technicality of designing for that purpose and style.

If you want o make it onto elements too then you need to prove a balance of quantity and quality and subsequent sales which cannot happen overnight.

Hi Charlie, I already have an item in GR with presentation design, what is the correct next process and what category to choose to apply for in EE (envato elements), because I have applied but was rejected