Apple Motion - is it taken seriously by Envato?

I just got 2 simultaneous (!) rejections on 2 Motion projects, one uploaded 7 days ago, another about 17 hours ago.
Both were classic nowadays slideshow projects, better than the one I made before for motion which got accepted.
Responce I got for both was classic slideshow rejection:

We receive a lot of Slideshow themed animations, therefore we’re very strict when reviewing these kinds of projects.

Because there is so much competition and saturation in the Slideshow category, we only accept projects that we feel provide exceptional quality in both design and execution.

Unfortunately, this project does not meet our high standards for this variety of template.

I mean, yeah, I can totally see oversaturation and competition in 479 Apple Motion files…

My question is, what attitude Envato has to Motion?
Because Motion projects cannot be judged on the same level as After Effects projects because Motion is nowhere near that powerful.
Considering that, and the fact that Envato has, well, not many Motion projects, what’s the overall attitude for Motion templates?
How are they judged?

Well I could imagine that this was a human error with the Reviewer having After Effects in mind while reviewing Motion templates. On the other hand, your animations may just not have been up to the current standard envato expects for any Animation Template, regardless of the category. As there is no preview I can watch this is hard to say.
However, you may want to contact support to get a clear answer on that, posting in the forums is not the supposed way.

I don’t think it is either. I made my first template which is pretty much a version of the Parks and Recreation open and it was rejected. They have an AE version up there an insane number of sales. I needed a motion version for a corporate project so I made my own and thought I’d template-ize it for VideoHive and it got rejected. They add like 5 a month. BTW - Motion is very much just as powerful as AE in most aspects. More powerful in some. But in the world of templates where you need to use as few plugins, if any, it shines. But I don’t know why Envato is neglecting it. Might as well take ALL submissions that don’t look like a 5 year old made them because they have to so few in their catalog.

Actually, from a design and execution standpoint, Motion is in fact judged under the same scrutiny as AE projects. If a project wouldn’t be approved in the AE category, it likely won’t be approved for Motion either.

Quick question Tyson, I may take the time to convert some of my templates to Apple Motion. If I write in the “message to Reviewer”-box that this is the Motion version of an already approved AE template, can I be sure that it will get approved?
It is like that for stock footage and motion graphics, if you add another resolution of an already approved clip it will be approved, as I understood it.

Would be nice to know that if I convert some bestsellers of my portfolio I don’t have to care about the animations being more 2013ish than 2016 :wink:

Good question! In short, the answer to all is yes.

If you have an AE project already accepted, and create a Motion clone of that project, we will approve it for sale as long as there are no technical issues with the file.

It’s vital that you include a note that the file already exists for AE, and provide a link to the project so that we can match the pricing.

Same goes for stock footage and motion graphics. For example, you may sell the same clip in 1080p and 4K as separate items. Just like with AE/Motion, please provide a link to the existing file so that we know a different resolution has already been approved in your portfolio.

All we ask from authors is to limit the amount of resolutions to 2, such as 4K and 1080p. We won’t accept the same clip in 3 or more resolutions.


Ok, got it.
Thanks for the info!

And while you’re here, another question :slightly_smiling:
Somewhere in submission guidelines I saw that “Motion projects that use plug-ins can’t be accepted right now”, but while submitting I saw “Uses plug-ins” checkbook.
So, can I actually use 3rd party tools or not?

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’ve located the article you were referring to, so I’ll have someone look into this.

As for submitting Apple Motion projects, as a general rule because Apple Motion is less utilized throughout the industry, I would recommend that you keep Motion projects as simple as possible, and stay away from utilizing any 3rd party plugins that customers are unlikely to own. Now that I think about it, in several years of reviewing Motion projects, I’ve never come across one that used a plugin.

However, if a plugin is absolutely essential your Motion project, simply click “yes” under the Requires Plugins attribute, and provide a link to it in the item description.

Hope that helps!

Ok, thanks!
Well, pre-renders are still ok, right?

And while you’re still here, another question :slightly_smiling:
You said that AE projects remade for motion will get accepted.
Is it the same way for Motion projects, remade for AE?

Yep, prerenders are always OK. If you’re not creating image sequences, try to keep the format .mov.

And yes, an accepted Motion project can be converted to AE, as long as it’s functioning perfectly.