Hi there, this is my third rejected track with a postscript “does not meet our quality standarts”. I always follow the advices of experienced authors and try to maximize the quality of my tracks, but every time I see a failure on Envato (other stocks nonetheless accept my tracks). It is very important for me to become an Envato author, but I can’t always understand what is hindering this, a lack of skill, or other reasons. As always, I ask experienced authors to listen to my track and give any advices for improvement. Would be very grateful.
The first two things I noticed are that acoustic guitars and whistles sound fake. The second is percussion. It sounds monotonous and unnatural. In my opinion, you should try to find a better virtual guitar library, and try to record whistle by yourself and maybe mix it with VST. Also, try to make percussion sound more natural. I hope this will help.
Thank you very much for the informative answer, maybe it’s really time to update the libraries …