another license clarification question

What if I purchase an Extended License for a certain HTML5/AngularJS template and want to build a sell-able product using it? Is this permissible under the Extended License.

After reading the examples provided under the license types help page, I know that a Regular License is for a non-sell-able product and extended license is for any sell-able product. But it is not clear anywhere about the number of customers for my product or the nature of my end-product.

Neither Regular or extended allow use in more than one site.

You can still use a regular license in a site that you are charging a client for but only that one site and no more without buying more licenses.

The only exception to this is if the site charges users to use it, when you would need an extended license each time.

Likewise neither license permits the use in items for sale here or other stock markets (even if modified) without permission and agreements from the original author.

The only exception to this is if the site charges users to use it, when you would need an extended license each time.
what does “each time” mean in your answer

Basically every site you build using an item or script from envato needs a new copy/license/purchase.

The regular license is fine in all cases except when access is restricted to paying customers, however neither regular or extended allows for multiple uses or installations at all, and none allow for their use in other templaes to be sold here except with the authors permission.

So I assume that if i build my website (for example an eCommerce portal) using any Extended License item and some people or companies will be needing paid membership to use my website, it is perfectly fine and legal.
is it correct assumption

You mean like a multi vendor site?