Affiliate links blocked by adblockers

I received this morning an email from a customer:

I came from - and there ist top right the “Buy now” link
which links to ← and THAT is refused by several of my browsers
as it is in one of the github adblock lists.
Even if I allowed, they asked me to enable 3rd party cookies and so on…

After some research, it turns out that is registered in certain lists, for example

So all of you who use affiliate links have a choice between using affiliate links and losing buyers, or no longer using them and losing your affiliate income.

Unless anyone has a better solution?

Yes, this is a serious issue. I previously mentioned it in one of the forum threads. Many add-ons, like Ghostery, block links from, often resulting in an “Access Denied” error or a blank page.

If you’re looking for a workaround, you can try this: check if the following URL is accessible in the background: If it’s accessible, it means there’s no adblocker, and you can display the affiliate link. Otherwise, you might need to show the original link.

let isAdBlockerDetected = false; // Initialize the variable
async function detectAdBlock() {
    const out_brain_url = "";
    try {
        const response = await fetch(new Request(out_brain_url));
        if (!response.ok) {
            isAdBlockerDetected = true;
    } catch (e) {
        isAdBlockerDetected = true; // If an error occurs, assume adblock is detected

    console.log(isAdBlockerDetected ? "Adblocker detected" : "No adblocker detected");
    return isAdBlockerDetected; // You can use this value for further actions

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