Envato affiliate link generated from impact radius isn’t working.
My affiliate link is
When someone click on this link it says : The link you clicked on has expired. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Envato affiliate link generated from impact radius isn’t working.
My affiliate link is
When someone click on this link it says : The link you clicked on has expired. We apologize for any inconvenience.
It sounds like you might be using an old link. You should login to affiliate account:
And check with them
I also tried by generating new links but all of the link aren’t working.
Contact Impact
Check your account if the link is still available.
I am facing this issue with all envato links fresh and old.
Noone here would be able to help you, it’s an error from Impact side. Contact their support.
I have contacted already Impact.
They told me to contact Envato.
What should I do?
It’s not from here. Create a new links and try with new browser. Could be cache issue.
Although links don’t look like it’s correct. Shouldn’t be that long.
I am sure that this is the problem from Envato.
I have tried all cache clear.
I think I got the reason behind it.
Here is the answer of this error. Official link of Envato help center: Check Here
Again, you won’t be able to find a reason/solution here as Impact is managing the links and everything.