Account rejection

My account got rejected straight after buying a theme, for no reason.
Now i am tryin to contact the support trough a ticket submition but they are not responding it has been more then a day now.

Does anybody know how i can contact them or whe i can do to unblock my account since i did not do anything wrong?
Any help would be greatly apprecieted!

Create a ticket and wait for the respond ( Support is slow, it may take 3-5 working days )

3-5 days is insane…
But will it be fixed after that or do we go back and forth and do i need to wait 3 days everytime we mail?

Depending on the support, they may not activate the account

But why, what have i done wrong?

I find this all very weird, as soon as i pay they block my account and ignore me for a few days while i litereally payed for it…