Account Locked for 1 month - What will happen after one month? I'll be able to submit new items to TF after 1 month?

I got below message from Envato Team. My Question is What will happen after 1 months. I’ll be able to submit new items to TF after 1 month?

Thank you for your message to Envato Help Team, my name is XXXX and I’m happy to be of assistance.

I had a chance to look at your account and it seems like it was disabled on XX XX, 2015. As previously mentioned your account has been disabled for 1 month. Please come back to us in 1 months time and we can reevaluate your request then.

Sounds like they are saying that will reevaluate your appeal after 1 month. Why did they disable you?

Due to Self purchases. It was offline sale but Envato considered It was self purchases for promotion.