Did I can use all premium theme as demo or full version ?
in below subscribtion pack
and If I cancel subscription after 1 year what happen with my websites in which i use themeforest theme
Unlimited downloads of 730,000+
- Graphic & presentation templates
- WordPress themes & plugins
- Stock photos
- Design assets, fonts, 3D & add-ons
- Video templates & Stock video
- Courses & eBooks from Tuts+
Not all items on Themeforest are available on Element (Subscription). If you cancel after a year then you will not get any updates on the theme. But you can still use items that you have downloaded before.
did I get rehub theme and The Restaurant and partymaker in subscription
If it’s not here then it’s not included https://elements.envato.com/wordpress
Hi @utsavsahni.
An Elements subscription includes full access to any theme listed here: WordPress Themes, Plugins And Elementor Template Kits - Envato
Other ThemeForest themes will not be included - Elements and ThemeForest feature some of the same content, but there are many more items available only on ThemeForest.
If you licence an item for a specific use during your subscription, you can continue using the item for that purpose after cancelling your subscription. If in doubt, check the full license here:
- For Items other than fonts and add-ons, a Single Use is the use of the Item to create an End Product (requiring an application of skill and effort)
The license starts when you Register your use of the item and the license is only valid if you complete the End Product while your subscription is active. Then the license continues for the life of the End Product (even if your subscription ends).