3 Logos are Rejected, Please help me

hi there,
i was designed 5 logos for graphicriver. today i got rejection mail from graphicriver and i’m shocked! i’m followed many thing about logo design.

i was used 1000/1000p in adobe illustrator for the art-board. is this the problems? below i’m shared 2 logo.

please help me to know what is the problems.

hi i usually do not do this but i will this time deal with logos not individually but as a whole indeed … here are the things that turn out tube a problem if u ask me …
1- discrepancy of styles
no matter what is the logo that is considered, the thing is actually the same … illustration parts and typo ones are diverging in terms of styles , u have very rounded shapes associated with straight line typos and this is hard to see a unity in what u have here …
2- color combinations
they must not only match and be the echo of a global aspect of a logo , thus unifying illustration and text parts ut they also must contrast much more so that there is more relief being generated in the end …
3- lack of relief and hierarchy
nothing is clearly popping out or emphasized so that everything seems to be on the same level and lacks impact , ultimately
4- typo
apart from diverging styles previously evoked, used fonts are not necessarily super readable or particularly aesthetic t say the least, this is much truer indeed , though, for gogo player where the discrepancy is visible the most and where the used font is really biot good looking at all if u ask me …
5- imbrication
this could be improved about it … positioning the text according to the illustration depends on shapes and on so this should be close but not too much, it takes some work to reach the right positioning indeed , in the case of Kasu this is far better than for the other but in any event, i am still skeptical if u have to transform both in horizontal versions …
6- execution
fr me at this stage, some shaped do not look 100% purely well executed and this is making it hard for u to have the thing approved due to the high expectations and raising standards as well as the necessity to reject more than in the past in a crowded category, too
7- resolution
1000 dpi are not required , a vector file 300 dpi is great and standard
8- alignment
this is a basic design principle and thus not a small deal to say the least, indeed, the text and illustration are not completely well aligned at the moment … not to mention that some shapes naturally create a feeling of misbalance and u have to take this into account, when u think about the concept and the way to make it come true

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ok thanks. can i create multiple author account if i want?

u can only have two , one exclusive and one non exclusive indeed

I also uploaded an artowrk but unable to find out if it was rejected or published very difficult UI

@mehtabiacc Hi, you should get an email on whether it was rejected or approved. If you haven’t gotten a response back then it probably wasn’t reviewed yet.

it’s rejected


hello @n2n44 ,
recently i was designed more 2 logos. but again rejected. can you please explain the exact problem? and how i can solve? below i’m sharing 2 logos, please review them and let me know what is the reason? is there any functions need apply into adobe illustrator for logo design like shape, color etc?


You can’t just change a couple of colours in a stock image and submit it as your own work esp not with awful typography accompanying it



You are just wasting your own time as well as the reviewer’s and other authors in the queue.

If you do not have the skills to create your own designs then this is not the right marketplace for you

ok thanks for your information. so you are saying i just following another images to create the logo. yes, it’s true. i was designed some previous logos, but already rejected, and they also. can you please let me know if there have any other option to apply from adobe illustrator in logo design time. what is the most important this as like, outline.

one of my logo still pending, below the logo. please tell me about that.


I was saying that you can’t steal other peoples work and try and pass it off as yours. you will be banned very quickly for doing that.

This other design is wash off the standards

@n2n44 can offer more technical advice but the graphic, assuming it’s original is not premium and you need to invest time in learning properly about the fundamentals of typography which is by far the biggest problem in all off these designs

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lot of thanks for your suggestion. i’m thinking about my next design with typography as well. i will update in this forum again.

Without learning the basic rules and design fundamentals you cannot create a premium logo.

hi i am sorry for not seeing your request for a feedback, i have been facing troubles with my equipments indeed , among other things. As the auto one, if u ask me there are multiple problems indeed. First of all a matter fi global style. There is no imbrication between text and illustration and it looks as if both parts have been pasted right next to each other rather than combined to achieve some some sort of unity, besides this feeling has been increased by the fact that both typo and illustration are in completely diverging styles if u ask me.> the colors do not help too, black and red are not great choices in the first place, as super common and not offering much contrast but when u get some yellow in the midst this is getting worse again. The typo offers no variation whatsoever , no font combination and very little originality so that there is not much relief generated and this is not any better in terms of aesthetic and efficiency

for the motorcycle one, pls do not take this personally but at this stage u really have a clipartish style and there is no way u can expect to have anything like this accepted in a professional marketplace like GR where the numerous submissions and the wide range of contributors have forced into raising standards on multiple occasions already … once again the colors are the same and the same comments obviously apply for this item, too, needless to say. When it comes to typo, well , once again , this is the same type of comment that i could make , ether is just slightly more combinations but they are not properly working really well so that this is not any better , especially as , in addition, this time there is a big issue as for as spacing goes ,what u did not have beforehand. Apart from this, there is no concept, and the goal style is super outdated since the logo looks like sort of iconic , basic iconic i might add , i tend to believe that u should get to see what brand new styles are a try to inspire from them and bring your own touch to these , too. Finally u also have an issue in some previews as far as contrast and contrast is a basic design principle , this is clearly not a good idea messing with it …

one company logo
this looks more tasteful and professional though there are still a a lot of things to fix, improve r change for the logo to get really interesting if u ask me …Firts of all imbrication can still be improved so that there seems to be more unity between illustration and text through the positioning , Then , the colors u are choosing are very important and i feel this is not superfluous to say that the blue version is less interesting as less punchy, les contrasting and this tends to flatten your logo. The global style is still a bit flat and there is a consequence to this , for the logo can easily and quickly be redone without spending much time and without having to go through huge efforts or being very talented , so that the commercial potential is rather limited in the end … the typo is not super matching with the illustration and this keeps still a bit flat all the same despite an attempt to bring something a bit more original …