14 Days and still in Review Queue!!!

I am stucked in the queue for 14 days and still my wordpress theme not approved or rejected!!!. I remember there was a page with number of reviewing days for each type of product. I tried to find it but it’s somewhere hidden or have been removed.

I hope i get it in there soon :disappointed:


Thanks bro :). So days are increased :persevere:

Its there in your author dashboard right sidebar.

when did u submit ur theme ?? im also desperately waiting…nd mine is 13 days since submission :slightly_smiling:

Now average is 16 days with tendency to grow. Can we hit a month? :smiley:

ohhh :frowning: tats badd

" the more days u have 2wait = d more the chances of getting your theme rejected "

Is this true ?? i have noticed this in few cases…

No that’s not true. It depends on the quality of the theme no matter how long you wait.

okkk :slight_smile: thanks

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