27 days and my wordpress theme is still queued for review

Come on guys! 37 days my theme is queued for review. Can anyone tell me what do do in that case? Because this is just abnormal to wait that long in order to submit a theme!


please read it here -> State of the Union: ThemeForest review queues.
other says their waiting for 30+, 40+, 50+ even 70+ days for first review… so just be patient :slight_smile: I am also waiting mine…


What are they doing with all the money to take from our sales? Why can’t they hire more reviewers to reduce the time? This is just discouraging…

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27 days is not half the real waiting time.
I’m on my 60th day.

Be patient, I am waiting since more than 2 months :joy:

Wow!!! Is it the same for all themes? I mean multipurpose vs blogging theme, same waiting time? Because if this continue, we’ll have more than 4 theme in the queue!!!