You have reached your upload limit for this month

Hi Everyone, in 2 oct my track was approve, and my upload limit change from 2 to 30/month!:partying_face:, the next day im upload 1 track but got rejected. i still have 28 submission left. and then im upload new track and is got approval, but in my upload bar say its reach maximum this month. anyone can explaine this?

Maybe the upload limit switched back because of the rejection.

If I remember correctly this can happen anytime during the month whenever your last approved items dip under a certain threshold.

Reversly switching to upload more tracks only happens at the beginning of the month if you are eligible, just like you said.

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wow it’s mean im must start again like i was ( uploading till 14 -20 track , with limit only 2track/ month) to get >70% approval ratio ?? its spend almost one year to reach it :sweat_smile:

Yeah man it’s brutal, been there too;) keep it up.

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