WZone Amazon AWS 401 Error

I am having problems with my access keys. Everytime I paste the access keys in and click check amazon keys i get the below error message appear

  • Country: United Kingdom

http msg = [401] Client error: POST https://webservices.amazon.co.uk/paapi5/searchitems resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {“__type”:“com.amazon.paapi5#UnrecognizedClientException”,“Errors”:[{“Code”:“UnrecognizedClient”,“Message”:"The Access K (truncated…)
http x-amzn-RequestId = DELETED
errcode = UnrecognizedClient
errmsg = The Access Key ID or security token included in the request is invalid. ]]

WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates was not able to connect to Amazon with the specified AWS Key Pair and Associate ID. Please triple-check your AWS Keys and Associate ID.

I have writted DELETED where it would have had the ID

Does anyone have a fix for this?

I have waited a day and tried again and there are no spaces at the end of the keys I’ve pasted in!


Have you read through this topic?

Scroll down the page to the comment made by tinybluerocket.

If that helps :slight_smile:

My keys work but when i do a NO AWS Keys Sync I get this error

bulk get remote content : invalid widget response! response code : 404

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Hi , I have exactly the same problem now with woozone and my No PAPY key sync module. How can I fix it?

I opened a ticket but their support is super slow it could take a week for them to reply.

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Here is the message i got from them -

Alexandra I. - Wed, 17 Jan 2024 at 1:13 pm


In the latest version the NO PA API Keys sync module is deprecated.

Please obtain valid PA API KEYS and sync products trough the PA API.



Alexandra I. - Tue, 30 Jan 2024 at 1:04 pm

You can manually sync from the sync log.

Did you fix it? I have the same problem

My hosting sucks i am waiting for an answer to find a Good Web Hosting company that can handle this program to work properly

If they’ve depreciated NO PA API keys then that’s a big problem, because the Amazon API only allows for a maximum of 10 product variations when importing. That is game over for so many product types, for example I have a fashion site where most products have numerous colours and sizes.

I would contact support from the maker of the program and see what they say. Post the answer for us here

BTW this happens in all sync functionalities.