I am having problems with my access keys. Everytime I paste the access keys in and click check amazon keys i get the below error message appear
Country: United Kingdom
http msg = [401] Client error: POST https://webservices.amazon.co.uk/paapi5/searchitems resulted in a 401 Unauthorized response: {“__type”:“com.amazon.paapi5#UnrecognizedClientException”,“Errors”:[{“Code”:“UnrecognizedClient”,“Message”:"The Access K (truncated…)
http x-amzn-RequestId = DELETED
errcode = UnrecognizedClient
errmsg = The Access Key ID or security token included in the request is invalid. ]]
WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates was not able to connect to Amazon with the specified AWS Key Pair and Associate ID. Please triple-check your AWS Keys and Associate ID.
I have writted DELETED where it would have had the ID
Does anyone have a fix for this?
I have waited a day and tried again and there are no spaces at the end of the keys I’ve pasted in!
If they’ve depreciated NO PA API keys then that’s a big problem, because the Amazon API only allows for a maximum of 10 product variations when importing. That is game over for so many product types, for example I have a fashion site where most products have numerous colours and sizes.