Woozone Configuration Error 429 When Checking AWS Keys

In WordPress, WooZone configuration, when I enter my Amazon Affiliate Keys I get the following error message.
“Amazon Error: ErrCode = 1 | ErrMsg = [[ Amazon API v5:
http status code = 429
http msg = [429] Client error: POST https://webservices.amazon.com/paapi5/searchitems resulted in a 429 Too Many Requests response: {”"__type"":"“com.amazon.paapi5#TooManyRequestsException”","“Errors”":[{"“Code”":"“TooManyRequests”","“Message”":"“The request was de (truncated…)
http x-amzn-RequestId = ca75be88-9c6f-49ed-b998-5ec9dd5dc406
errcode = TooManyRequests
errmsg = The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API. ]]
WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates was not able to connect to Amazon with the specified AWS Key Pair and Associate ID. Please triple-check your AWS Keys and Associate ID.”

I have spoken to Bluehost, Amazon Affiliate Support, and done a lot of research online. I am able to find people asking this question but there is never an answer to the problem.

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?


The error you’re seeing (429 Too Many Requests) indicates that the server you’re using has made too many requests.

Have you tried to contact your purchased item author to get help.

How to contact an author to get support or for any technical query:
