Wordpress soft rejection - Need feedback


Today, after 10 days of waiting, my latest template was soft rejected, with the standard response from the reviewer.

Live demo is here.
and HTML is approved at http://themeforest.net/item/qvrenti-responsive-real-estate-html5-template/12071155

As usual, no real motivation to help me figure out what to improve.

"Your item does not provide the necessary design quality to compete in the marketplace at this time. As higher quality designs become available in the marketplace, approval requirements will increase to maintain appropriate marketplace quality.

While I’d be able to provide feedback as to how to get this approved, I can only do after it has crossed a certain threshold, quality wise. I’m sorry to say this isn’t there yet."


The Wordpress version can’t be accepted if HTML already approved.



If HTML is already approved then the reviewer must consider the design Quality. However they can soft reject it for other reason.

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Yes, I am also surprised that why they are asking to improve the design even HTML version is already approved. And if they don’t consider HTML then at WP level we waste everything if theme gets rejected because of design aesthetic.

Is the item have same reviewer? I think there is different reviewer…but, i feel sorry to hear your item got soft rejected. Especially with design issue. It got me suck too when got the same soft rejected issue for my item.

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Yes, they are different reviewers. I got suck with design related issues :frowning: , otherwise I can handle soft rejection.

I am using chrome. and its look like this http://prntscr.com/9d7hkc
Clients images hover plus sign showing top
partner control showing half here

Check with chrome browser.

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It may because of Operating system. I am using Windows 10 pro and in chrome it looks fine for me.

What operating system do you use?

Reviewers are now rejecting themes that are converts of approved HTML templates. WP has much higher standard design-wise.

I see many typography and spacing problems with your theme. This has to be top-notch PERFECT to have the chance of approval. And then, if the theme is similar to others (not unique), even if it looks amazing, it will be rejected.

The problem I see:

  • Bad typography - it just doesn’t look pleasing

  • Spacing is off 1px and the arrow has low contrast

  • Again not a pleasing look at the type (font, line spacing, letter spacing, everything is just off)

  • These elements don’t align and the meta info has a font size same as heading

  • I see same problem as XpeedStudio on my MAC/Chrome

… and many other small things to repair, especially typography

Other than that, I like the clean feel of the theme and the header. You just need to really look at it very closely and fine-tune the smallest details.

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I really appreciate your detailed feedback. I’ll surely look into the spacing and typography issues deeply. One thing I want to ask. If the design was unique on marketplace, that’s why they accepted its HTML. We first try to get approval of HTML, so we can develop WP version without any fear of hard rejection. Do you think they must accept it after fixing spacing and typography issues?

Nope, they must not and they won’t if it’s not unique enough for WP. Forget about HTML.

I also developed an HTML template first and converted it, it was unique too, but wasn’t accepted to WP category nevertheless. That’s how it is now. There are no guarantees. You just have to create a seamless product and prey for the best :smile:

I would “repair” what you have, add a wonderful typography, work on spacing and details, submit it and see. Just look how perfect the latest submissions of real estate themes in WP category are. Yours has to be too!

Good luck to you!

okay, I try to improve it and check my luck. Thank a lot for your feedback :slight_smile: