Wordpress MultiSite Licensing

Hello Everyone,

I know this has been a long discussion but wanted to confirm the following :

  1. What license should be used for Wordpress Multisite Subdomains/Subfolders?
  2. If Extended License is purchased, Can the main site allow custom domains to be pointed to it for example main site is a.com, a user has subdomain 1.a.com & wants to point his domains cname recorded to for b.com to 1.a.com

I understand that extended license should be used for charging the end users, No files gets redistributed to anyone.

Would appreciate anyone helping me out, I have 3 items with extended license in my cart waiting for this to be clarified.


Currently envato don’t have multisite license. But if you interest you can open a Help ticket to know more about it from envato team.

Both regular and extended license are limited to per license for per end product. You license will be enough for your website subdirectory as like a.com/b. But for subdomian as like b.a.com you have to purchase individual license for each subdomian.

Hope you understand.



Thank you for the lovely 4 years, this is where I see that i need to stop spending money on codecanyon or even hire people from here.

I had sent an email to support team, expecting a reliable response, unlike contradictory statements which can be seen all over the forum.

There has never been a proper clarification on this.

@KingDog had posted that subdomains can be used here is the link to that thread (Locked) Products licensing for WordPress Multisite

And there are many other threads claiming subdomains doesn’t need a separate license.

Any way I am dropping stuff off my cart I had to buy 4 extended license items which itself was turning out to be very expensive as close to hiring 4 developers hourly for 720 hours a month from freelancing portals. I dont get it why would anyone pay anything above $3000 for a single extended license if it cannot be used for projects for ex. SaaS, I have already decided to hire freelancers instead because I need clear licensing on the extended items I was going to buy, I was willing to pay for extended to save time but as I see it now there is no real point of buying anything from Envato or Codecanyon for any serious projects, because neither the support or community really has a clear explanation on licensing and keeps all the buyers in a limbo with assumptions.

Have a good one,

Sorry! for the confusion. as you have already open help ticket support team (license experts) will assist you about this concern. as for each license/purchase you will get a purchase code and you will be able to use that purchase code only for one time/one end product then how you will be able to use that purchase code for your subdomian! Definitely you will get more exact explanation from support. Thank You

Thank you @mgscoder, I am done with Envato, I have not received any response from support team except the initial automated response with a ticket number.

I think Envato doesn’t have clear licensing terms:

Think about extended license for a minute where the terms claim that an extended license can be used to build a single end product if they are charging the end users, If an extended license cannot be used in SaaS in first place how do you anticipate to charge the end user? I hope it does not mean that an agency can buy an extended license if they are developing for end client.

Why would anyone buy an extended license for a theme or plugin for $3K plus, if they cannot use it on a single end product let’s say a SaaS which allows clients to create a subdomain & use it to charge clients?

I don’t even understand how can a subdomain or even a domain for that matter can be considered as separate product at all, Simply pointing a cname for a new domain to an existing domain running the service doesn’t make it a separate product, the original license or source code is still running on the end buyers hosting environment.

It is very important that Envato thinks about clarifying such use cases, Have a clear idea about what types multi-tenant apps can be made, For instance let’s consider these:

  1. Single installation of source code with sole DB but multiple domains(CName) is NOT multiple product.
  2. Single Installation of source code, Single Tenant DB for each client with multiple domains(Cname) is NOT multiple Products.
  3. Multiple installation of source code, with a separate DB “IS” Multiple product.

I personally develop multi tenant & micro services my self for various clients, if i where to charge for 1 & 2 as separate license for each domain, We are defying the industry standards for Multi-Tenant services or SaaS & no client would buy a $3K license for each domain/subdomain if they running the source code like 1 & 2.

I have been very loyal to Envato for 4 years but honestly never understood what is the basis of licensing terms at all & As always Support takes ages to respond.

I have informed the client that we can’t use WordPress multi-site as there is no clear understanding of extended license has been mentioned & Passed on this link for the reference, We are moving ahead with hiring 4-5 devs from a freelancing portal instead for rapid development of the solution he needs instead, This way we can pre-sign NDA for devs & have clear terms of copyright.

Envato, please use this thread to make your licensing terms clear & meaningful, so that when we can pass it on to end clients with terms for them to decide from a layman’s perspective & we do not waste our time on a forum where every individual is trying to help the community with what they are ‘aware of’ & there has to be some SLA to respond to tickets sent by us ?



Doesnt look like support is interested in responding at all, I have not received any response from support at all…

Extended license is basically the same as regular license, with one difference: the project you build is intended to be sold to third party clients. If you are making SaaS project (you are the owner, but clients can register to use the website), you can use regular license. Both regular and extended licenses are for a single website/project.

This honestly still stands unanswered by support team.