Wordpress license as envato elements user


I do have the envato elements subscription and can use several wordpress themes, templates and so on. But those themes are not the “full” theme, are they?

At least, when I try to work on a project with a theme, included in my envato elements subscription, can I update the theme in that case? Can I get support for the theme? Or do I need to purchase the single theme from “themeforest”?

Thanks and hope for your quick help

Most are the full theme but support and updates are not guaranteed are require the author uploading a new copy.

If you have a project in mind then it’s better to purchase the full copy from themeforest

Elements allows you to test/try at least several options and depending on your technical ability you may not need the full copy as well.

Some authors like @ThemeREX @AncoraThemes and @axiom_marketing or @greatives manage their elements themes very well

Thanks for your quick help and support! I understand