Why my illustration was rejected???

Hello! My illustration was rejected, I do not understand why. My work is much more qualitative than the other jobs that they took. I think that they spoil their reputation.


i do not know but i love it …
this is super creative (unique i might add), colorful and it looks very well executed too

hello i am newber. My item has been rejected, May be this community don’t help for you and me

This piece is incredible! I can see some small points where lines don’t meet up completely, perhaps that’s the reason?

community guys that u find here do their best to help buddy … the problem is that sometimes real reasons are very difficult to identify , this is it

hey buddy, i understand u have certainly been awkward and that u are mad but this is not fine to say something like this, all guys do their best with different experience, skills, initial trainings and so on and in all countries u will find very different levels and so on , think about it :slight_smile: peace

broken path are a reason indeed, now i do not see where u can see this …

After I bought several items from the best sellers of logos for $ 100, I used to copy and describe items as they did, everything was taken from their template (color palette, sizes, layer names). And I sent over 40 logos that exactly corresponded to the items that I bought and as a result everything was rejected.

I reconciled myself with inadequate moderators and went to other platforms - and have already earned more than $ 500 dollars.

Do not waste time in the empty, do not try - they are stupid.

Direct all your forces to other platforms to make money - and it will work.

Thank you!