Hi, All
I have submitted my item “Merry Christmas Social media post” by following Graphicriver rules. But it has been rejected. I am finding the reason behind this. Why my post got rejected. Please help me about this
hi well there are a whole lot of different issues indeed …
1- global style
sorry but to say just this is . this far this is too simple, and sort of too common, there are way more worked out things that are rejected and I do not know how u could get anything like this approved without facing a miracle …
2- global organization
I guess u have probably heard about z lay out … well here this is a good example of a not super efficient organization of texts and elements when it comes to abiding by the lay out rule … all the main elements and texts are not placed accordingly and not situated in the areas determined as impact ones by the z lay out thing …
3- texts
some of them are definitely placed too close from margins and there are two different kind of negative consequences indeed … pls check 4 and 5 …
4- lack of breathing
by placing the texts too close form the edge , u do not allow the concerned elements to get the proper exposure and for the whole document to breathe , so that texts are also outstanding and really readable easily …
5- trimlime and safety zone
well , judging by how close elements are from the edges, I am suspecting that it may either be cut once the trimming is done , or , this is in the best case, the text is not cut but indeed, there is once more less breathing again and the text will be super choking
6- typo
sorry but at the moment u are quite far from GR’s very high standards and expectations as regard to typo … parting seeing made are not really working, the whole is not super harmonious as well, not to mention that some of the used variations are not super readable too … this gets even worse when the text referred to is the date , that is to say part of the most essential information “what, who, when, where” … see next point …
7- hierarchy
s I have just evoked, this problem with typo and variation actually makes u be confronted with a hierarchy of information issue, too. I am not sure that u realize about it or not. but the information that stands out the most is in the end “free entry and free drinks”, the date , "party"and others are relegated to secondary information status … which should be completely the other way around actually …
8- fake logo
I highly recommend that u invest some decent time to create some professional looking fake logo that will take your preview to the next level rather than flattens everything more, just like this is what happens at the moment with the simple text that u have put …
9- background
this is significative of what is going on with th global style in the end … this is simple too flat and too simple and pushing the envelope graphic design wise would really be welcome , if u ask me , not to mention that this would generate some extra value in the process, as well …
10- lack of finition
for the compositions to look more credible u should introduce all the required shadows , this will also bring some depth to the table , too, by the way …
11- commercial potential
pls think about it , as this stage with the simplicity plus thing to improve globally , well indeed , this is hard to tell that the item has a really huge commercial potential to say the least, not to mention that the type of items can be found - some being really far more impressive visually - in the internet … which decreases gamely the potential of buyers to buy, if u know what I mean…
Thanks for your helpful advice . I will correct my mistake & i will improve my design standard.