Why, how, why?


Hi, my 12 similar works have been rejected, I understand very well what sfat is. Do I have to work in a simple way too? I don’t think the inspector is a designer, simply refuses.


One major thing I see is that the one that’s currently on GraphicRiver is much more customizable. It’s important for a food menu with photos to actually show photos of what the food is. The one on the right can have the images easily changed to whatever the customer needs.

With yours on the left, it doesn’t look very customizable besides the text. You also need to keep in mind that you cannot include images with your item that you do not either own or have legal rights to redistribute, so if that’s the case with the cake images you have, you have to remove them from the actual item that the buyer receives, which leaves 3 empty spaces that need very specifically shaped and cutout images to fill.

If you do have legal rights to those images, then it’s a case of the buyer having to use those images even though there’s a good chance that they don’t actually represent their own food at all.

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I have clearly developed the editing.

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then these too, it doesn’t look very customizable besides the text :grin:


Personally I am not convinced your font choices are right for the design but on the other points - comparing to other items is the worst thing you can do for numerous reasons esp comparing to items from 2014 and 2017 since when the standards have changed


Hey destroy_fx Look man if your ever going to make it in the market place you need to stop comparing your work to other authors, Your typography is all wrong, Step back and look at your designs that you are submitting, remember less is better… It’s not quantity but quality if your ever going to make it… If you don’t want to get rejected then stop submitting your design work and keep it all for your self… But i see you have something so stop getting hurt when you get rejected… By getting rejected it should make you a better designer… P.s Remember Paying attention to small things creates perfection; But, perfection is no small thing! Good luck…

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hi both have cool points and weak points … LOL as for yours i made a very omplete review of your item , at this stage, buddy u should try to take my “recommendations” into account and try to bring a new and improved version to the table :slight_smile:

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i am sorry buddy but MonkeyBox is probably one of the sharpest knives in the drawer nowadays , his items are extremely worked out and really turn out to be art … u maybe have small things to say about them, as on any single possible work, but they should used as examples of great use of tools, good harmony and worked out items

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I learned the standards, they are not clear, If the 2014 designs don’t meet the standard, turn it off, Speaking of fonts, don’t write to me unless you’re a designer.

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It is incredibly naive to assume that because someone does not sell items from their account, that they do not have the expertise to offer advice.

Aside from that, there are plenty of successful authors in this thread who referenced the glaring issues with your typography.

Plus our team are some of the biggest buyers on the marketplaces, making it potentially just as valuable to take constructive criticism from those who understand both the mindset of buyers and authors


yes there is no point in arguing when abstract statements are made.

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You are wrong, comparison is good, if there is no comparison there will be no creative growth.

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Things moved on in 3 years so comparing does not make sense. It’s not that original items should now be penalized or removed - it’s that anything new should demonstrate progression.

On the ‘abstract statements’ comment - presumably, you mean ‘quality standards’ message?
If so could you suggest not subjective guidelines/rules for GR (or any other marketplace) items?

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You used to many elements. Your composition is cramped. Also your typo doesn’t pair.

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has always been so

there are instructions for printing, I understood tha. Tell me if you have instructions on working on the design. I think whether or not to turn on the design is only in your brain. you need to help improve,

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  • Forget about the cake menu, try something else.
  • Change your attitude. You asked for advice then reject all that you get.
  • You should use other items for inspiration and to learn what works, but you should not use them as comparisons to your rejected items.
  • If your item is rejected, spend some time figuring out what you did wrong and how you can improve for the next time, this includes getting advice from the forum. You do not have to agree with everything, but you should NOT constantly dismiss all advice and act like you did nothing wrong. Simply think on it for your next project then move on.
  • Rejections are normal and are a great opportunity to learn. I used to think my stuff was good years ago, but everything I submitted was rejected, I was angry, but it pushed me to improve with each new submission, now I haven’t had a rejection in about 6 or 7 years.
  • Finally, if you don’t know how to find your mistakes and improve your item on your own, then you likely need a lot more practice before trying to submit items to a premium marketplace.

Art isn’t equal to design and vise versa.


Thank you for your advice, i am trying to find an enavto dictionary :laughing:

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