can you please help me to know what’s wrong and why graphic rivers team reject my designs ,
Please post an image of your item so we can give you some tips.
With respect:
There’s too much going on there and too many different elements, colours etc.
It’s a bit confusing that you have two different versions but the second only appears in one or two perspectives compared to the first
Personally I don’t think the font choice or combination works esp for a food/restaurant logo
The gold colours don’t help
There are alignment inconsistency esp with the subtitle, fork and hat icon
hi there are many reasons for the logo to be hard rejected
the spoon stand for the A of marrakech as for i could understand and this is hard to understand … -
too many details, here they are considering the logo in a very small size and it will tend to be hard to read indeed … -
color combinations
this is not matching and u should think about complementary colors indeed -
slanted side
the fact of being slanted makes your logo much more difficult to be exploited by potential buyers indeed as this is hard to integrate in all possible contexts … -
c what is it standing for?
the chef hat is a bit too thin, it should be bolder a bit too be seen
too many elements indeed
spacing, organization and alignment issues …
the texts is too much spread everywhere and but … they want people to be able to edit text easily here and u are very unlikely to make it with such conditions as the one u have here
Thanks bro your point really helps me
if u feel like i brought u enough information u can choose too check the “solution” box … good luck or rather good work buddy
whats the “solution box” ?
It’s a little check box at the bottom of each comment that the creator of the thread can click to mark as the solution to their problem, it will then appear at the top of the thread so other people can easily see the solution if they had a similar question. One would want their comment marked as the solution because it rewards them with a nice little badge to add to their collection :).
u and @mgscoder are definitely the best to explain all technical things indeed
okey dude
Brother please read my last post and give your suggestion
I didn’t saw your last comment , where is it
He made a separate thread.
bro I need youe whatssap
I don’t have access to a computer at the moment, and I for some reason can’t log into my Behance account on mobile, so I can’t see your project.
i want to send u some work in private to see it befor i upload it to graphicriver
If you can send an image, rather than a link, I’d be happy to take a look.