Hey all, Have a question about lincenses. I’m publishing a free quarterly magazine, free for download and offer a print-on-demand option for people who want it on paper. They don’t pay for the issue, just for the printing service. Is this covered by the standard license? Or do I need an extended license for this? The reason is I’m looking for indesign magazine templates I would like to use for my magazines. Thank you for your help!
Hey @atothek,
I’ve spoken to our legal team. Since the product is available for free, the regular license is a-ok
Hey Matthew,
Thanks for getting back. So the print-on-demand costs are not considered as fee for the product? Is that correct? Thank you for getting this clear.
Best, Andre
It can get a bit fuzzy at times (so feel free to reach out and check in) but in this specific case that you’re describing- you’re all clear.
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