Which is Better for Logo: PSD or EPS, AI ?

Hello friends,

I know it’s a silly question. But really I want to know the difference. I saw that most of the popular or sold Logo templates are include vector EPS and AI file, less includes PSD.

I’m always make my logo in Photoshop. So my question is, Did Vector EPS and AI sells higher than PSD? Or high demanding among buyers?

What you guys feels.

Thank you

i dont… used… ai…
i can’t made logo using… ai
… that is the reason im… using ps

anyway… i think… it… is not about… the ai or ps…
i think it depend on buyer… choice… of design… not type of file, :slight_smile:

AI and EPS are more practical, so use include them.

Usually a vector based program is used for logos.

I’m not sure what the most popular format in this marketplace is. Most buyers seem to be more familiar with Photoshop. But Illustrator is definately the most “professional” software for creating logos.

But even though users might know PS better, a logo file should always also be available as vector format - that means AI or EPS. It should be editable in for example Illustrator.

A vector format can be used in all thinkable sizes, without loosing quality. A PSD cannot - unless the Photoshop file consists of only vector based items, such as editable text and the like.

So the best thing is probably to include both an EPS and a PSD - to give the buyer a choice.

But when creating a custom logo for a professional client, it’s always delivered as vector.

^ +1

||+603757|simon-cph said-|| I'm not sure what the most popular format in this marketplace is. Most buyers seem to be more familiar with Photoshop. But Illustrator is definately the most "professional" software for creating logos.

But even though users might know PS better, a logo file should always also be available as vector format - that means AI or EPS. It should be editable in for example Illustrator.

A vector format can be used in all thinkable sizes, without loosing quality. A PSD cannot - unless the Photoshop file consists of only vector based items, such as editable text and the like.

So the best thing is probably to include both an EPS and a PSD - to give the buyer a choice.

But when creating a custom logo for a professional client, it’s always delivered as vector.


me have… ai on my computer…
but no idea how to use it…
if i like to add eps…on the download file
need to work the logo same as i made on photoshop…
or there way… to convert my psd… logo to eps ?
got no idea :slight_smile:

Hmm… :slight_smile:

as the isacfabian says,

I didn’t use Illustrator yet and actually I can’t. So is it okay that I save the logo as EPS in photoshop and included them in the zip. But I little confused about the text, will it remain editable or not?

What you guys think about that?

Thank you

CreativeSource_online said

Hmm… :slight_smile:

So is it okay that I save the logo as EPS in photoshop and included them in the zip. But I little confused about the text, will it remain editable or not?

An EPS saved from Photoshop, is not the same as an EPS saved from Illustrator, and I’m 95% sure the texts would not be editable in Illustrator. I’m not 100% sure, because I really haven’t tried, cause I’d never use Photoshop to create a logo :wink: But maybe I’d use it in my sketch phase, when doing quick mockups to see how it looks.

But if you can’t use Illustrator, then make your logos in Photoshop. Just be sure to clearly state in your description, that it is a Photoshop file, so the buyer knows what they get. If the logo for example is bought to be used online only, a PSD would be just fine.

isacfabian said

i dont… used… ai…
i can’t made logo using… ai
… that is the reason im… using ps

anyway… i think… it… is not about… the ai or ps…
i think it depend on buyer… choice… of design… not type of file, :slight_smile:

WOW Please stop posting on the forums until you learn how to type.

It… is… imp…ossible… to… read… your god… damn… posts… for. god… s…a…k…e…s

There is really no reason to have this question up for debate.

A logo should ALWAYS be made in illustrator or a vector based software.

A logo should NEVER be made in photoshop.

End of story.

WillemoesDK said

There is really no reason to have this question up for debate.

A logo should ALWAYS be made in illustrator or a vector based software.

A logo should NEVER be made in photoshop.

End of story.

You are right, sir.

I really don’t get the idea of buying a photoshop 3D rendered style logo that’s not a vector.

They might look nice but 3000x3000 pixels isn’t enough. Must be scalable.

I read that and heard William Shatner’s voice in my head