If you can’t see your Item in your Dashboard and ‘Hidden Items’ tab page then your Item has reviewed and got hard rejected. You must should receive email of the review result (if not Unchecked the ‘Item review notifications’ in your Settings => Email Settings):
If hard rejected, this means that the Quality team has determined that the item is not suitable for sale on Envato. This can be for a number of reasons but generally, it means that the item is not at the quality level required or it has breached legal content guidelines.
Given the volume of content Envato receive, Envato teams are not able to provide specific feedback on Hard Rejections.
Can I Resubmit A Hard Rejected Item?
If your item has been Hard Rejected , you cannot re-submit the item.
Attempting to resubmit your rejected item(s) is considered an unacceptable use of Envato Market and may result in revoked upload rights .
You must create a brand new item and ensure it is entirely distinguishable from your rejected item.
Didn’t know because i can’t find the project i submitted. I think it was hard rejected.
I altered the e-mail preferences as mgscoder recommended to get new infos and now i´m reviewing the entire project to resubmit.