Existing client just asked me for a discount on our newest item. I would gladly offer him a discount, but I simply can’t. I had to decline him because the only option I have is to reduce the price for everyone.
Dear Envato, we are losing money on this!
If you reduce the price for that particular customer then you also lose money
Why would you offer a discount only for one customer?! Just curious
If he enjoy your item, then he should buy it again and appreciate your work.
It’s been discussed before and if I remember right it’s not happening because partly to avoid less genuine authors exploiting systems but more to keep the marketplace a level paying field - if you discount an item as is currently possible then it’s available to any buyer, just like when there used to be bundles. Having coupon codes for exclusive individuals or a selection of users is not a fair way to offer it.
Giving a coupon code in this case would be a symbol of apreciating a returning custumer.
I don’t think this is a bad thing.
It is a Win-WIn-Win
Envato earns money,
Author earns money,
Client is happy.
Having to change the item price is just lame.