We're removing Envato Credits from Market

Guys, the idea of adding $2 to the cost of items is a very bad one! Keep in mind the fact that items here can cost from $2 to whatever amount the author sees fit, but, for those that cost $2 adding another $2 to them would double their cost, and most likely ruin those authors.

Furthermore, at the moment authors have reported 30% of sales being credit, which means 70% of sales are from transactions where the buyers don’t have a problem with paying those extra $2.

That will be a very problematic situation, since, basically, if you plan on discounting those $2 off your price, that means you’re giving a $2 discount to 70% of buyers that didn’t care about this fee in the first place.

Also, remember this is per transaction, not per item. Resulting in even more issues.

How do you add $2 transaction fee to a buyers cart that purchased 50 items? You add $100 transaction fee? If so, that’s ridiculous. If you add only $2, how do you add it on the invoices of authors? 0.002 each? How do you as an author justify these to your accountant, when each time you’ll have a different value.

You can have a 0.002$ extra, a 2$ extra a 0.43124$ extra, etc etc. This raises so much more problems than it solves. It literally will cripple a lot of authors accounting schemes.

Simplest solution. Fine. Credits get removed, but make at least 1 payment option transaction fee free!
Just one payment method with no fee! This way we all get what we want. Envato has a maintenance fee for some transaction models, we have an alternative option that’s free!

Based on what James said, buyers choose credit cards more than anything else, so making PayPal or Skrill transaction free should settle everything! There’s an option where the 70% of buyers who don’t care will just choose credit card and an option where 30% of buyers who want no taxes will choose PayPal or Skrill.

Simple, no complications, no statement nightmares, no extra accounting. Thoughts? :slight_smile:

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I give a clear idea of your an error. For example, some buyers are intermediaries(and they have their customers higher). They received another order tomorrow they did not even see, so they make a new transaction (and this does not add a new item to them in the old basket, since the last order was handed completed).

But after all it will be all the same added as a payment for transaction. What’s the point? You do it right away or it will be done later.

If $ 2 is added on top, the author does not give anyone a discount, only to those who buy several items at once.

But in General, on account of the rest I agree with you, it will be really difficult to take into account. Perhaps there are some other solutions, because what is now it is certainly sad.

It’s not the same way. You can purchase 50, $2 tracks and only pay another $2 for the transaction fee, making the total of $102. Adding the $2 to the item you’d end up paying 4$ for each track, amounting to a total of $200. It’s not the same. Quite far from it.

Here’s my solution. Super simple and should keep everyone happy! :slight_smile:


Sorry, but you do not give me anything except an example of one type of customer. There are a large number of buyers who see a good item and buy it in advance for future use. If I am not mistaken, even in this thread, one of the buyers talked about this.

Therefore, once again, if you have any data, then it’s good, let’s study it. If there is no such data, and you have no solid evidence, apart from your thoughts, then you don’t need to say that someone is wrong, because I believe that you are mistaken. Thus begins the dialogue that does not solve the problem.

We’ve valued your input and have read through every post here carefully

No, you did not. Elsewise you wouldn’t have posted the following:

The vast majority of customers now use ‘Buy Now’ instead of purchasing and using Credits.

We used “Buy Now” WITH Credits.

Your whole argument is based on a false assumption.


I will not argue with you, I often read forums and customer reviews. I even know many clients by their names and communicate with them. Good luck!

This is also a logical decision, but I think we will get ears(nothing).

I believe @CleanMagicAudio was trying to say if you take a team of Creatives( design/development team). One needs a back end system, they’ll first purchase that. A few weeks later they want to add a component, they’ll purchase that then, after that, they’ll need a video, or maybe a soundtrack.

This transforms the idea of purchasing bulk into something quite complicated. Because you may need certain elements on demand, not pre-thought out. This will cause that specific person to pay the extra fee with each transaction made.

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Am I the only one who understands what Wayman is saying? :smiley: Looks like so.

The solution to introduce one payment option without any fees was suggested by me a few hundred posts ago. This is still the best solution, I’m glad you agree, enabled :slight_smile:

As far as the data provided in this thread goes, it looks like Skrill is the least used payment option. Removing $2 surcharge from that could be reasonable. I mean, envato say they save so much money with removing credits, they should be able to get rid of the surcharge for the least wanted option.

Or, introduce another (new) payment option with no surcharge.

James’ reply was unfortunately just a lot of words without any comment on the forced surcharge problem.


Always wondered - what is handling fee? Handling what? Why should i pay $60 for a theme and pay $2 for handling my money? Or having a PayPal account now requires a huge payments to PayPal? Or you have hundreds of people sitting and manually transferring money to authors and you need to pay them?

Guys, don’t waste your energy typing here, nobody from envato cares. Just get used to it.


$ 200 is obtained if you buy each track individually for $ 4. I’m talking about another way. If you put 50 tracks of 4 dollars each in the basket, then, in the end, you will pay all the same 102 dollars. Because the first track will cost 4 dollars, and the rest will receive a discount - $2. :slight_smile:

Yes ! This is what I’m trying to prove to him! But he does not hear me! And I will not continue to argue with him! :wink:

Ah! I understand! Let me make the connection between you guys haha!

@CleanMagicAudio, @Wayman is saying the following.

Buyer Purchases 5x$2 tracks. Total = $12 because the first one has the price of $4 and all others have the price of $2.

But @Wayman, this is basically the same system as now in a differnt form, am I mistaken?

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Guys, I don’t understand you at all :slight_smile: You are talking about a person/team who needs to buy different things on different days as needed, but a person who buys on different days will pay these two dollars on top anyway. This is already here, this is what Envato has already done. I just suggest to do it in another way. That’s all.

I understood mate! That’s why I suggested my first idea to begin with. Make a payment gate available with no fees, and add fees to all others.

Everyone gets a piece of what they want this way! :smiley:


just to stress this, here again: this is the best solution.

I will leave this thread now, everything is said from my end and envato will do what they want to do.
Keep the party going my friends if you want to, but don’t forget that working on your items is what gets you paid, and arguing here has little chance of receiving a pay-off.


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And you’ve chosen not to address a single one of the great points and solutions mentioned.

And re-say pretty much exactly what you said before without offering any further helpful information.

So you thought you would make the same mistakes with your second crack.

“But no thanks.”

Will you now take two weeks to consider the complaints about the “handling fees” only to decide not to address any of the issues raised and just re-say your previous hashed attempt at explaining them:


Even simpler: do away with all transaction fees. Theses should be covered by the buyer fee anyway (as per how they defined the buyer fee).

Paypal strongly suggest not to apply a surcharge for their payment, unless merchant has very tight margins. Envato does not have tight margins, really far from it.

Paypal’s guidelines are most likely aimed at small businesses who may lack the resources to prevent such ill-advised idea. A major company such as Envato should know better obviously. Their going forward with this reveals a very dysfunctional top management.

By the way, Paypal adds that this surcharge you should only apply if you really have to, can only be expressed as a percentage of the transaction, never as a fixed amount. By doing so, Envato is in direct breach of Paypal’s terms.


This sounds like possible solution, especially since Envato does not “risk” loosing a lot of fees already in action. But Skrill and Paypal do add currency conversion fees at some percent as well as transaction fee at some percents? The paperwork overload should be solved though? Maybe customers should answer this…