We need the help of all videohive authors! (Critical Bug in latest AE)

Hi my fellow authors,

in the latest release of After Effects, Adobe introduced a critical bug that affects all projects with jpg images when opened on a Mac. Every template creator who has used a jpg-file in any way (not just sequences, any jpg) in his project will run into this bug with his customers on Mac sooner or later. It is in everyones interest that this gets fixed immediately.

Below is the bugreport for Adobe, I kindly ask everyone to vote for this so that it gets attention by Adobe devs. This error is widespread and affects many templates, yet only few people have found the time to vote for this.

Thanks for your help,


Voted and commented :smiley:

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A frustrating bug, indeed. How a company with the dev power such as Adobe would miss such an obvious and annoying issue is beyond my comprehension.

I’ve done some testing, and it appears that if you click on the affected asset in the Project Window, and then replace the file with the same file with the “Right-Click > Replace Footage… > File” command (basically, re-import the image), it will fix the issue.

Hopefully Adobe releases a patch soon so that we don’t have to take that step above, but this seems to be a good solution to offer customers who might be experiencing problems with items they’ve purchased or downloaded.


Thanks Tyson. Yes, we have found that solution in the original thread and I posted it in the comments of the bug report already, but for me this is still unacceptable. I have around 300 items, a great part of them use jpg sequences or jpg textures. Instructing AE newcomers with this procedure is cumbersome, especially if they think what they purchase is a one-click solution (and it should be!).

After the initial batch of user complains, I did not receive more emails, so maybe my customers now find the solution with googling. But I know that support staff of other companies are running into this issue constantly.


…when we authors must spend time and nerve :slight_smile: for what we are not guilty :slight_smile:

I’m astounded how little votes this got. 14 votes for this bug report is nothing for the disablement of a good percentage of the whole template industry. Including adobe’s own stock market, Adobe Stock.

Cause mogrts with jpg assets don’t work as well.

We keep getting this error reported to us more and more on a daily basis. More people upgrade to the latest version and run into this.

Slowly I am starting to believe Adobe will not adress this bug, which is hilariously unprofessional, but well, it’s Adobe.

If you haven’t already, make sure to vote for this bug report

Maybe Envato could temporary place a banner/notice on AE Items…

“If you’re using AE CC version 18.2 - you might be having issues with this item.
For compatibility please downgrade to version 18.1”

One user just left me an angry “Refund me now” message ,
my guess is Envato will have a lot of those, this banner could help prevent some, maybe.

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This is issue not limited to After Effects alone. I had a customer complaining the same for Premiere Pro Mogrt file. Premiere is showing the jpg as Missing. So I asked the customer to use older version of premiere. But he was angry and asked for refund.

It is looking like Adobe is not bothered about this issue at all.
So we are already planning to change all the JPG images to TGA format. Hope they don’t create problems with that format also.

We are already worried Adobe will one day stop supporting Legacy Effects like Fast Blur etc., which we used extensively from the very first project. If they do that its gonna be hell lot of work to change all those effects to new ones. So we are already planning to update all our After Effects files to CC 2021 and changing the old effects with new ones.

One good thing that happened in all this is, file created in CC2021 works without any issue in CC2019.
So we are working with Latest version of AE only.

Adobe is just making our life Harder everytime they bring new update.

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great, thank you Adobe!

I have created a videotutorial to help everyone fix the problem or go back to 18.1.

Feel free to share this video, or link to it in your item description or support files.