we found it isn't at the quality standard required

I don’t know how to correct my mistakes, I don’t know exactly where it is, please help me

You have this is photodune category - is that right or is it meant to be a logo/graphic/illustration?

Thanks. But i didn’t understand yet

What is the item meant to be? A Logo? An illustration? etc.

This forum category is about Photodune items and this design is defintiely not suitable for the Photodune marketplace

Yes, the logo template for the tea and electronic games store. If this design does not fit, how do you advise me? What is the best program I can use? Sorry for these questions

This has to be submitted in graphicriver not photodune

Logos are one of, if not the hardest category to be approved in.

With respect what you have here almost feels more like an illustration and either way is a long way from the standards with issues around the typography etc.

Designs should be in illustrator or photoshop

Guidelines include: https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000555726-Logo-Templates-Submission-Requirements

OK. Thank you very much