I think that marcinklimekwordpres is referring to this image: https://image-tf.s3.envato.com/files/223744159/the7-get-more.__large_preview.png … he’s seeing that the7 theme is priced at $60 and it bundles $145 worth of premium plugins, giving a grand total of $205 that is discounted as low as $39.
So, in his opinion, if the theme author states that he’s giving him $145 worth of plugins (it’s not his problem that the author gives him such a huge discount), then those plugins should in theory be exact like the ones you’ll get directly from their developers (automatic updates + many more) …
I think that he’s arguing the marketing of the7 theme …
and in this day where most of people are running after discounts this counts… you have an item that is “priced” (by the way that image is set, it gives you the idea that the $205 is the correct price, not the $60) at $205 that is discounted at $39 next to an item that is marketed as a $59 discounted at $39 (and both items are the same in features and in bundled plugins) … I bet lots of customers will buy the $205 item thinking they’ll get more for their $39 :))
My point is that I try to think long terms if it comes to buiding a
website. The price doesn’t really matter for me; I just need to know that
the product I purchase now is not temporary and it won’t give me headaches
when I won’t be able to update things etc. I’m thinking from a
photographer’s point of view not web developer: I want to do all the
settings once and only update the website with more images and content
rather than worrying whether the plugins I got are running on some not
fully activated licences.