I’ve tried uploading a clip twice and not showing up?
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I have noticed the same issue. After several hours of uploading it appears.
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@rushay1977 @ThunderMotion It seems there’s an outage, and they’re working on fixing it. You can check the status here: https://status.envato.com/
I have noticed the same issue!
I make zip the main file item…then it works. Uploading Direct video file not working. I draw attention to @KingDog @BenLeong
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same error
uploaded files directly go to the error section
The support team’s response is??
same here uploading video to videohive goes into error
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same error
Same here. I wrote to support but I guess I should have looked here first.
Same error. Showing " Whoops!, Sorry , something went wrong, Please come back in few minutes and try again