Hello there,
I purchased original music from Audio Jungle and used it in my animation film, and the film has been on YouTube since 2020. Recently, I had to re-upload the film again ( dubbed version ) and suddenly found a new type of copyright. it is said, " Video uses this song’s melody". So, what I usually do when I see a few copyright claims, I give my license files, and it usually solves the problem. But, this is a new type. I contacted the author immediately, who said he had cleared it from his side and he received email from YouTube, and it is not in his hand anymore. But the problem was still there. and it is shown that the claimer is differently named COMP_CS
What do you mean by “get a new code”? Do you mean “license”?
I uploaded the same film 12 times in 12 languages…and quickly solved all the copyright claims by putting the license before. Suddenly this new claim appears that did not appear before.
You’re entitled to use the same license on one end-product. Using the same license
on multiple end-products are not allowed. ( I’m not sure if there’s a exception for “different language” )
That’s possible violation of the terms
But in your case, you will need to solve the problem with YouTube.
If I understood everything correctly…
This is what a standard “soundrecording” claim looks like.
This is what a “composition” claim looks like.
This means that it is not the recording (audio file) itself that is copyrighted, but the intellectual part of it, the composition itself is copyrighted, effectively meaning that a cover (or plagiarism) of the original work has been created. If that’s the case, it’s a dead end.
Perhaps there have been some changes on the author’s side regarding publishing rights.
There could also be a conflict of rights to manage an asset, when a claim is filled from two right holders at once (by mistake).
Only this author and the CID agency that administers his YouTube catalog can figure it out for sure.
You need to resolve this issue with them.
The first time I saw someone understood the problem 100%.
Yes, the music I used is not claimed for its right by the author. Others have claimed that the video uses this song melody`s. That is why the license file failed after the author made it to the whitelist.
As the author did not claim anything about copyrighting, and he said he has nothing to do with it, I need to wait for what YouTube will do with the verdict. and I did not find any information on that COMP_CS yet.
It’s so unfortunate. I have to remove my films which got some festival awards after 4 years with this
I was approaching the way related to license and copyright but no matter what anyone says, you will have to solve the problem with YouTube anyway, as I already suggested
BTW, I had a similar situation when some trickster distorted my track (changed speed, tone, phase, frequency characteristics) and took digital fingerprints, registered the track with another publisher. As a result, CID recognized my melody in this track. To the system it looked like a cover track of my work. And a new claim was issued to all my clients who used this track, even those who had long ago cleared the rights through a valid license (like in your case). This created a conflict of rights. All claims were made on behalf of two rights holders at once. It took about 5 weeks before the trouble was fixed.
I hope you can resolve your problem.
Just to let you know the update that we have won against that copyright issue. Thanks you so much Crypto -of- insomnia for giving some insight and he wised that I could have won. As the problem is same, I waited for a full month, and eventually YouTube gave its verdict and cleared the all issues.