Hello, I buy HTML themes from themeforest and integrate these themes with my own software and offer them to my customers. How can I use the themes I purchase to sell to multiple customers? For example, can I sell the Canva theme I bought along with my own software to more than one customer? I work freelance. Is an unlimited download package available? Sorry for my English, I’m using translation.
You cannot use the items from Envato on your own project to be sold as resale.
No, you cannot.
In this case you have to purchase individual license for your each customer. Like you are a freelancer and doing your customer’s customization job and your each customer will require individual license of the HTML template.
@mgscoder I’m pretty sure he meant re-sale
Well! He mentioned he is a freelancer. So, he can sale his custom work to his customers but need to purchase individual license for each customer. Anyone can’t resale any item from envato market as it is. He is not selling the template as it is, he would like to sell his custom work as a freelancer. Any freelancer can do it for his customer. It is looking like his customer purchase the template and he is a freelancer for the customization job. The main condition is each customer will require an individual license of the Template.
I’m well aware the definition, let me clear it this way, I believe he meant to sell as template, not as end-product.
Greetings, I do not sell the HTML templates I purchased as they are. I am adding the panel and creating a full dynamic site with PHP. What I want to ask is exactly this. For example, I bought 1 HTML theme, but I got 5 different designs from it. Can I sell it to 5 different customers?
No. One licence = one website ( end-user )
If you want to sell the same project ( different variants ) to 5 customer, you will need to purchase the item 5 times
Then I will continue working with template monster
Ideally there should be a unlimited sites usage plan option. We see many fake sites sell many themes for lesser price. If Envato launch unlimited plan that will create more revenue for both Envato and Developers + credible buyers and agencies can get themes for lesser price.
They did ( Elements ) not working as expected.
I mean per theme - single and unlimited license. For example, if ABC theme’s one site license is $49 the same theme can be given for unlimited use for a higher price. Once I wanted to use a theme for multiple websites. Same branding but targeting different countries. Then I found instead of buying here independent developers or agencies would be cheaper option.
It’s possible to use on multiple domains as long as you get a copy.
The theme itself is already “cheap” enough, if you’re unable to pay 29$-59$ for some work that would take months to design and code, you shouldn’t be doing the job.
It’s a new end-product once you install on a different domain. If your clients could afford hosting/domain annually for minimum 100$+ on top of that the money that they are paying you, they could get another copy of the theme.
If you’re looking for “cheap” option, use free themes. Nothing good is cheap in life, you should’ve known/learnt it by now.