Tuts telling me i'm not subscribed

Can anyone help? I just subscribed to envato elements but when i go to tuts its asking me to upgrade. i thought this came as a package? any idea how to fix this or contact someone to help?

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Envato elements, Envato market, Envato Tuts+, Envato studio these all are different platform.
When you subscribe at envato elements you are not able to download anything from any other platform you are able to download anything from envato elements only.

hope you understand.

Im not trying to download of the other platforms i just wanna be able to watch tuts+ that should be included in my subscription.

download and watch same situation in this issue.
You can’t watch cause your aren’t subscribed at Tut+


Sorry! to know you are facing problem in accessing tuts+. Please contact Elements Support. Elements Support Team will be happy to help.


I am subscribed on tuts+ because it comes with elements. I have sent a support ticket but waiting 10 days is ridiculous. Not amused at all.

have you switched to a Team subscription recently or are you under Team subscription? support team will reply you as quickly they can. Thanks for your patience.

nope im not on a team subscription. I have a normal subscription. part of the reason for me signing up for for tuts+ because i wanna learn something while in lockdown. i paid for a years subscription

hope you will get support reply soon (weekend not countable) and they will short it out for you. Thanks

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Hi @unlockdesign—I just wanted to clarify that subscribers to Envato Elements do get free access to courses and eBooks on Tuts+. They just need to activate their account by heading here: https://elements.envato.com/tutsplus

@neonsparks2020 Sorry to hear you’re having an issue. I’ve flagged your issue directly with support. You should receive a response very soon.

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Hi @JoelBankhead thanks for letting me i didn’t know about that and sorry about my mistake.

No worries at all :smile:

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So I get an email from costumer support telling me to visit tuts+ from within elements… Like I haven’t already tried this. Honestly I regret paying for this. Can you tell me how to get a refund or do I need to contact my bank and claim through the Avenue of non receipt of goods?

Sorry you’ve had such a frustrating time getting this to work. As it’s still not working for you I’ll get our devs to take a look.

I’d love to get this fixed for you, but if you’d like to cancel it’s very straightforward. Simply head to the My Account page and hit “Cancel subscription”.

If I cancel it will be with a refund. I’m not paying for something I’m not getting. I want it fixed

Please contact Elements Support. Elements Support Team will be happy to check and help you.

I already have done that, they told me to access it through elements but it’s still not working. I will give it until Friday to be fixed at which time I’ll be contacting paypal and raising a dispute as I’m paying for something I can’t use.